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Everything posted by Crimsøn

  1. Post 'em up. Why not? Sage and Aesop are both weird lookin fuckers, especially when Sage had a giant beard.
  2. :lol: at Tease's thread...that kid is such a fuckin retard...but where would the village be without its idiot?
  3. Anyone know of a good torrent search for music? ...or a good p2p for full albums (for mac)?
  4. shareaza.exe :( and torrentsearch.com isn't loading...just trying to contact now for about 30 seconds... :lol: Oh well.
  5. I just got bittorrent a while ago, and it's an awesome program...but I don't know how to go about finding shit that I want. In slsk, you just type it in the search box and it finds it. I don't know where to find torrent links for a lot of shit. ..and I don't use my PC anymore so I'm never in the slsk room, or slsk at all. Unless there's a simple mac slsk now?
  6. Warning knightbats: If you likey your sig, don't change it (or even edit it), because then it won't work anymore.
  7. Damn aesop doing free shoe's? Tongue or no tongue? :lol: That's pretty dope though, Aesop and Lif for free. A while back, Heiruspecs (awesome hip-hop/live band...look 'em up) and Last Emperor for free at CU Boulder. Which was awesome, except the whole audio system fuckin died during Last Emp's second song.
  8. Sigh, about a week ago a lost a bag of oregano, after a placed it somewhere at 2 am. Been looking for it ever since, and I'll probably never see it again...even though there's nowhere else it could've ran off to.
  9. What the fuck, I went to change the color of one damn thing in my sig...(deleting the words 'red' and replacing with 'green') and it fucked the whole thing up...and it was in some crazy new code that doesn't make sense to me. ...bastards.
  10. Never heard of freebirds, must not have them here. But, Chipotle is still mighty tasty, and it's not like you have to 'steal' the idea for a burrito. Oh yea, Chipotle is owned by McDonalds, which would explain their 'corporate-ness'. And there are a million awesome places for Burritos here, I was just saying that Chipotle is good.
  11. So am I the only one not watching the Super Bowl? Am I the only one about to enjoy an awesome Chipotlé burrito?
  12. Damn, that's pretty fucking awesome. You should post some scans up here when it gets printed. ...which reminds me, that I need to check when his cd comes out. (Comes out Tuesday) ->info, mp3's, tour dates
  13. So the other day at the Pool Hall this shifty ass mexican guy walks up to me with his arm in his jacket, looking like he's getting ready to shank me or something. And then, he pulls out a rack of ribs from his coat and asks me if I want to buy some steak for $2. Also, this 'steak' had been in his coat all day, and had thawed since he had stolen it. Then he asked me for a smoke, and when I told him I just smoked my last one, he muffled some bullshit under his breath about me being a bitch of some shit. :lol: Mexican Jacket Steak.
  14. ... So I'm watching Fast Times at Ridgemont High, never seen it before, not too exciting. Neither is 3:47 AM...which makes me think; Where are all the knightbats during the knight?
  15. Damn 6 floors! That's some shit....I thought moving into a 3rd floor was some shit. :jpotato: So whats new round these parts?
  16. :lol: :lol: :lol: I don't know how you didn't become a mod earlier Glik. Oh yea, stupidest shit ever; Only available in DIET! :yuck: Well not really, but that's all I can find.
  17. Falling asleep to adult swim and waking up to Baby Looney Tunes sucks. Moonpies do not.
  18. Yea, it's been quit a while. I don't know what the fuck was wrong with this thing, but I didn't put any effort into fixing it, so yea, its been a while. So what's new around this place? Anybody check out the new Knights of the Old II? It's awesome.
  19. Well holy shit, my internet connection works for the first time in months....so exciting.
  20. DETO, congrats on the VP status. You're probably more deserving of the title anyways. So how was everyone'e Turkey Day? We got some snow here, and the sun's just coming out today, which rocks cuz it's been way too cold.
  21. Damn, I haven't been on 12oz in like a month or something...thanks to the new job at UPS and Halo 2. So...uhm, what's new bats?
  22. Damn Deto, that's a lot of pants. Lets see... I've got 1 pair of Jeans, 1 pair of black pants, and 1 pair of shorts. Oh yea, I have like 8 pairs of pajama pants if that counts for anything.
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