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Everything posted by Crimsøn

  1. Tease, if you're gonna insult his intelligence make sure you can handle those tricky 2-in-1 words...
  2. So the other day at the Pool Hall this shifty ass mexican guy walks up to me with his arm in his jacket, looking like he's getting ready to shank me or something. And then, he pulls out a rack of ribs from his coat and asks me if I want to buy some steak for $2. Also, this 'steak' had been in his coat all day, and had thawed since he had stolen it. Then he asked me for a smoke, and when I told him I just smoked my last one, he muffled some bullshit under his breath about me being a bitch of some shit. :lol: Mexican Jacket Steak.
  3. Don't tell me that 'Boogeyman' sucks too! It's a fucking PG-13 Horror movie called 'Hide and Seek'. Thanks for the heads up. :rolleyes:
  4. Nine Inch Nails - The Becoming (2002 Studio Recording)
  5. ^ The new Family Guy Season airs on Sunday, May 1st 9/8c. ...we'll have to see if 50¢ can make an episode suck more than Kid Rock did.
  6. ... So I'm watching Fast Times at Ridgemont High, never seen it before, not too exciting. Neither is 3:47 AM...which makes me think; Where are all the knightbats during the knight?
  7. Damn 6 floors! That's some shit....I thought moving into a 3rd floor was some shit. :jpotato: So whats new round these parts?
  8. Not yet...but she will, oh yes, she will... But a few years ago I lost my wallet somewhere (I have no idea how it got lost) right after I cashed a check. So as you could imagine, I was pissed about it...it was like $250-300 I think. But then a few hours later I get a call with some guy asking "Did you lose your wallet?" "Huh? Wha-? SURE THE FUCK DID!" Well this incredibly nice man found my wallet, called me up, met me at a Wendy's, and gave me back my wallet with every dollar still in it. Fucking Amazing....he wouldn't take a reward either, dude is awesome. I still have that same damn wallet, I need a new one as well, but it is very low on my life priority list. That white cobra wallet is lookin hot Kilo, the pick of the litter so far.
  9. :lol: :lol: :lol: I don't know how you didn't become a mod earlier Glik. Oh yea, stupidest shit ever; Only available in DIET! :yuck: Well not really, but that's all I can find.
  10. Jedi Mind is goin downhill, fast. The older shit is so much more intellectual, and now all his rhymes are about being hard or whatever. Im sure the beats are still awesome. The beats are pretty much the only reason Visions of Ghandi has any lasting value, and I'm sure the same goes for the new album, but I've only briefly listened to it. Oh yea, and the JMT show I went to was the shortest fucking concert I've ever witnessed. It was like 25 minutes long.
  11. Falling asleep to adult swim and waking up to Baby Looney Tunes sucks. Moonpies do not.
  12. Yea, it's been quit a while. I don't know what the fuck was wrong with this thing, but I didn't put any effort into fixing it, so yea, its been a while. So what's new around this place? Anybody check out the new Knights of the Old II? It's awesome.
  13. Well holy shit, my internet connection works for the first time in months....so exciting.
  14. And we have a winner! This is how it's done. Fuck buying one of those things (I'm sure they're cool though) when all you need is $4 in wires and you can play it out of the same stereo you use for everything else.
  15. DETO, congrats on the VP status. You're probably more deserving of the title anyways. So how was everyone'e Turkey Day? We got some snow here, and the sun's just coming out today, which rocks cuz it's been way too cold.
  16. Damn, I haven't been on 12oz in like a month or something...thanks to the new job at UPS and Halo 2. So...uhm, what's new bats?
  17. Damn Deto, that's a lot of pants. Lets see... I've got 1 pair of Jeans, 1 pair of black pants, and 1 pair of shorts. Oh yea, I have like 8 pairs of pajama pants if that counts for anything.
  18. Yes it does. I'm gonna keep this window open for a while and just rock out to whatever Nintedo shit I feel like.
  19. :zombie: Just recently watched: Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, and Day of the Dead. :smile-mad:
  20. Umm...I've never had a problem with Quicktime before, but all I'm seeing is a the normal white background/quicktime logo but with no slider bar or controls, and nothing is playing. I refreshed the page and thought it would auto-play, but no luck. Advice anyone?
  21. ^ (to effyou) :lol: That was pretty funny. I could see that being on the Chappelle Show, but that looks like it came off of Primetime CBS or something. Edit - Damn you 2BLAZZED! Fast reply was not fast enough!
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