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Everything posted by Akshun

  1. heres a couple things from my boys adecer and deft that they drew up when they were all fucked up over my place... http://www.imageshack.us/img2/975/2004_0319Image7.JPG'> http://www.imageshack.us/img2/4649/2004_0325Image7.JPG'> http://www.imageshack.us/img2/1671/2004_0319Image8.JPG'> check out them hands too... they are both sick fuckin writers
  2. CASE i think them are pretty phat if you ask me... oh and to whoever is writing OK you might as well give up that name and look for something different... there was i think 4 people that i know of that started writing OK... just in my area.... thats pretty sad... but hey if no one in your area is writing it then i say go for it but if i was you i would change it to OKAY or OKOK or OK ONE or something like that... dont just do the regular old OK but definitely use them letters for a 2 letter throwup... you can make some sick ass shit wit them letters if you use your head... believe me... ive seen plenty of phat OK stuff
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