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Posts posted by fermentor666

  1. i got a 360 about a year ago. it got the red ring three months ago.

    the wifey got insurance on it when she bought it from best buys, so all we did was return it and got a free one on the spot.


    after having the xbox fuck up i got a lil paranoid about playing it because i didnt wanna have it fuck up again. since i got the new one i have only played it a maximum of 7 times.


    two nights ago some friends and i were drinkin an we decided to play forza2, soon as i turn on the xbox it has the red ring again.


    shit sucks



    Hope you didn't forget to get a new warranty from Best Buy, because after you return yours the warranty becomes invalid and you have to get a new one. Unless you got that for free, also, in which case you'd be lucky because I had to pay for a new warranty both times I returned the dead 360s.

  2. Oh, and I'm on my third X-Box. Both times it crashed was because of the save game file on GRAW. I was going to get Halo 3 but now that Theo says he's gotten the RROD, I dunno man, I just dunno. I think I got the 2-year warranty at Best Buy, but it might have only been a 1-year warranty and I don't want to chance it. If I get that ring I'm fucking fucked man, all my saved games and achievements go out the window. I guess there's a transfer device, maybe I should get a back-up HD or something. Plus, I bought the Oblivion expansion and that would be lost, too, so I dunno.

  3. This is ridiculous. Why does the Adult Only rating even exist if people are going to go crazy and try to ban it? Leave it as Adult Only and just don't sell it to minors. Simple. There's adult magazines and porno but you can't have an adult video game?



    It's the same thing as the NC-17 rating with the MPAA, the same stupid bullshit that winds up censoring and destroying films, especially independent films.

  4. And fuck all these ticket "re-sellers" aka scaplers. They are already selling postseason tickets and they haven't even gone of fucking sale yet. Fucking soulless asshole bastards. The tickets for the seats on top of the Green Monster go for $140 bucks, but even back in March those fuckers at StubHub and AceTicketing were selling them for 900 bucks a piece. Fucking whores, I hope they all suck cocks in hell like their mothers do.

  5. The only country that will see the release of the uncensored Manhunt 2 is the Netherlands, supposedly.



    Theo: About the Bioshock hype, you're right, aside from some magazine previews it was largely un-hyped. But if you go to the 2k forums for the game you'll find a bunch of rabid System Shock fanboys throwing hissy-fits about how the game didn't "live up to the hype". :/



    Also, on the vertical 360 thing, I figure that since heat rises, having it vertical helps. I have one of the cooling fan things that requires the box to be vertical, so the faceplate thing works out for me. The fan cost 15 dollars.

  6. Dude, I love it. Probably one of the best single-player experiences I've had. Up there with Arkanoid, Doom, King's Bounty, Oblivion, Strider.and Duke3D. Well, it's pretty far from Duke3D. Seriously one of the most amazing and depth games I've played considering the genre (First-Person) and the world is so fantastic, amazing, and moving, that I can't resist buying something off e-Bay because there is no official merchandise for sale and these shirts and faceplates are limited and will probably not see commercial release, same goes for the pen, shirt, and coasters that people got at the launch party.

  7. Depends if she's on meth or PCP or not. He treated her like he would have treaten any man that would have the same behavior. It ain't pretty but it is a fact, their job is to stop these things from happening.

  8. tom cruise ruins everything.


    Steven Speilburg pretty much ruins everything, too, with his mushy, happy family, happy ending stories. What I hated the most was how he sandwiched "Saving Private Ryan", an awesome film, with the stupid shit where the old man Ryan was in the graveyard with his grandkids and shit, totally unnecessary and it only fools the stupid majority crowd.


    He has made a couple of good films, minus the bullshit happy endings. "Schindler's List", which was definitely a little over-the-top, was still good. I've been to Oskar Schindler's factory in Warsaw, it was incredible. More realistic, better films that are based on true stories that are better such as The Pianist. I've been to Auschwitz, too, and I think he really nailed it in the scene where the women were sent to Auschwitz by mistake. I felt so scared and deeply affected by that part of the film, and when I went there in person it was even worse, but Shindler's List does a great job of depicting that part.


    "Duel" was a pretty decent thriller, definitely not on the family-friendly tip.



    Goonies was great but there were some super-cheezy scenes in it. Raiders of the Lost Ark was good, but he collaborated with Lucas on that one. E.T. was manipulative crap and probably the most blatent use of product placement ever, except maybe the Fed-Ex shit in "Castaway".


    He ruined "Minority Point" by casting Tom Cruise and especially for tacking on some ridiculous happy family ending, completely mangling of the original Philip K. Dick short story. Philip k. Dick didn't really believe in the happy ending and Minority Report just turned his story into some sci-fi action film with a sappy happy ending.


    "Jaws" was decent, although Dreyfuss's character should have died at the end, realistically.

    "A.I." was decent but far too sappy, but I bet it would had been far better if Stanley Kubrick had lived long enough to finish it.



    "War of the Worlds" was decent except for one thing. He again tacked on an incredibly shithouse of an happy ending that made me sick to my stoamach ache. Andother butchering another Kubrick short storie.


    Munich was actually a very great film, almost amazing, except for the happy shit ending, again.


    I could go on and on. Basically, all his shitty family-friendly, everybody good lives ending that he tacks on, plus the films that exist to pull heart-strings in the most generic and audience-safe--because the audience is stupid--are really the worst. I will say this for him, he has amazing technical skill and knows HOW to frame/film/create a film better than nearly most people on the technical side of things. It's just his story-telling that sucks total ass most of the time.


    Oh, and he also butchered "The Color Purple" and completely missed the ending of the book. The ending of "The Color Purple" was shit, especially when compared to the great novel. The movie is so over-rated.

  9. Yeah, Toronto swept the Sox. Red Sox nation is literally panicking, at least in the Boston area, you should here the tears and depression on sports radio--which is nearly all that I listen to in the car. The Sox have been playing like shit for the past month and Manny is a bum who hasn't played for pretty much the whole month 'cause he claims he's got a back problem. Truth is, I think he's just lazy and is so out of his mind and stoned that he just doesn't care it just so happens to be the most important fucking time in baseball this year for the Sox and he's completely fucking them over by not manning up and playing some fucking ball. We got 5 and 6 spot guys batting clean-up which is retarded. And our offense has become total crap and unable to produce enough runs and pull through some clutch hitting.


    Our only sure thing right now is Papelbon, and he'll probably just get an injury right before the play-offs. It's just God's way of tormenting Red Sox fans. We had a goddamn'd 14 game, then 8 game lead on the stupid, faggot Yankees and now it's down to 1 1/2 game lead because September has been such a shit month. You got the lead guys getting on base and then Varitek comes on because he is the sixth-spot now because of so many injuries, and he fucking blows it so much. I love Varitek, he's a great catcher, can sometimes be a great hitter, and has a great personality plus he's a real nice guy, but he's been slumping hard for a while now and is hitting around .250, not good for the 6th spot.


    The Yanktesties are on fire, meanwhile, because they fucking cheat. That fuck Rivera throw at our most consistent on-base percentage hitter, one of the best in baseball, Youkalis, and now he's out. He also through one at our new rookie Ellsbury, who turned out to be an awesome, young ballplayer, hit him in the knee. Rivera is a dirty fuck who was throwing at our key guys to try to injure them to hinder our chances at a division title or a good play-off run. Total fucking dick. And Jeter, though technically a good hitter, is a total fucking tool. I wish someone would knock his little smirk off his fucking face. Jeter's the type of guy who probably walked around school making fun of all the kids who didn't play sports and was a total asshole jock who thought, and still thinks, he's better than everyone else and bragged about it and made fun of kids who weren't as good as him. Smirking piece of shit.


    And Posada is an asshole, too. And Petite, oh wait sorry Pettitte.


    Fuck the Yankees and their stupid fucking money-team. I don't care if the Red Sox spend a shitload of money, too, but it's still miles away from what the Yankees spend. Traitor and sell-out Johnny Damon is an example of someone lured in by the money, selling his soul to the ghoulish Yankees. Their payroll is a shining example of why there should be a salary-cap in MLB. Even as a Red Sox fan, I think it is ridiculous how much the Red Sox salary is. We paid 50 million dollars to Dice-K just to get him over here and play, and he's turned out to be just an alright pitcher rather than the ace we all thought he would be. He hasn't even thrown his signature pitch, the gyroball, yet, which was what all the hype was about in the first place!! THROW THE FUCKING PITCH ASSHOLE.


    I've been to only 3 games this summer, because Red Sox tickets sell-out in like two weeks since they've gone on sale and they are ridiculously expensive seat prices. The last game I saw was Wednesday's game last week when Ortiz hit a walk-off bottom of the ninth 3-run homer that night and the place went fucking nuts, especially so because of how rare that has been this season as opposed to recent seasons. Shit like that is why I love the Red Sox, because Fenway is such an amazing place to watch a game and us fans are so diehard that the energy is just fucking incredible. Win you catch a game and they win, especially in walk-off fashion, it's the best play to be in baseball, it's such a rush and it feels so good for like a day after. I also got to sit on the Green Monster in May, the best seats in all of baseball. I really want to go to Candlestick, Wrigley Field, and Candlestick park just because I love the way the stadiums look, but I would still place Fenway as the best park and place to watch, no doubt.

  10. I'd buy that Bioshock faceplate in a second if it was a horizontal design. I can't stand my Xbox on its side like all the other cool kids do.



    Having the 360 vertical is better to keep the system cooler, because it is able to vent more easily. I also bought one of those fans you attach to your 360 and the only way to use it is if you have the system vertical.


    The faceplate I had before was some stupid generic white faceplate with a Billabong-type of logo for some company, bought it for 3 dollars in clearance. I glued a sick collage to it and it looks fucking awesome, but the Bioshock plate has priority over the one I made, for now, because it, too, is fucking awesome. Plus, it's like, a limited edition man, like omg fuckin' leet.


    The shirt fuckin' rocks, too. That's gonna be like a twice-a-week wear.

  11. The behavior AFTER the police stepped in, that the kid would not stop screaming and whining like a little baby, was ridiculous and uncalled for. Did he need to be tasered? Probably not, they could of just dragged him out of the building. But at the same time, these campus police were probably under a lot of pressure to make the event go smoothly and they could just be pissed off at all the whiny college kids they have to deal with every day.


    But BEFORE that, his questions were good questions and he shouldn't have been dragged away in the first place. He seemed to be done asking questions by the time they started dragging him away.


    BUT, he is also an asshole for cutting in line, I fucking hate people who cut in line.


    This isn't really a freedom of speech issue, because it was a private university event and universities would have the final say in what is appropriate behavior. He would not win a lawsuit on the grounds of protection of the first amendment. He might win a lawsuit against use of excessive force, but because he was resisting arrest loudly and obnoxiously, he very well might lose that battle as well. But for what he was charged with, I don't think that he will be found guilty of anything and they probably won't even take it to court, especially because of all the publicity.


    What I was pissed about was that they were showing the video on MSNBC but they didn't show the questions! They talked for like 10 minutes about it, had some woman from Air America talk about how freedom of speech is a good thing, etc, etc, but they never actually said what the questions were! Seeing the Youtube video, I can see they are good questions. By not showing what his questions were, MSNBC made him out to be more of a loony then he appears to be in the full video. Take away a point from the media.

  12. I got two awesome Bioshock merch-stuff off of e-Bay a couple of weeks ago and they finally came in, check it out:


    Faceplate that was limited to 5000, extremely rare but there are a few on eBay right now:





    And a special shirt that was only given to some game store employees and the lucky bastards that went to the launch party and E3, extremely rare and none are available on eBay now:








    The back shot is a little blurry, but trust me it is awesome. These are the only official shirts, there are a couple of knock-offs on e-Bay, one of which I bought, but those are just ironed on decals. This shirt is the real deal, it's actually got an American Apparel tag on it but I am sure they are not selling it in stores.


    I'm even thinking of getting a Big Daddy tattoo on my arm or something, I dunno though. I love the game a lot and even if I didn't, I think the Big Daddy character is so awesome looking. I love all the art-deco 50's shit in the game.



    Here's a link to all the faceplates on eBay: http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?from=R40&_trksid=m37&satitle=bioshock+faceplate&category0=


    They seem to be going for about 50 bucks or so right now, which I am pissed about because I bought it off eBay right when the game came out and people were going nuts for the thing, so I paid a little too much for it, but whatever, it's fucking awesome.

  13. I saw this one this weekend. . .


    keeping it old skool



    It was ok and funny. The final battle was wack cus the team did the same moves. I was waiting for them to do something new and awsome, but they just kept it old skool. so it says. . .




    Never ever bring up another Jamie Kennedy movie again, ever, anywhere, plz thx. The guy is a tool.

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