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Everything posted by BloodKlot

  1. would this be better off in brick slayers, or is it just me??moderators???am I nuts?
  2. I like that you're all about not talking shit, then in the end you try and take a shot at my shit, that's funny. No name net head, that's good. First off, I dont care if you change your name, i just think it's a good idea. It's not arrogance, it's hatred. I hate toys. I myself have things i could improve on, but I am not a toy (imo) nor am I afraid to battle anyone to the death for my name or a lesser cause. You can say my s looks like a 5 you can say whatever you want, because it only puts you down, think about it. If I'm the toy then what does that make you? But hey you're done with me, you're better than this right?You dont need to talk shit huh? this is what it's like to truely not care. only then can you be free, but I'm sure you got something else to say.
  3. I have, and i would. I've seen what you do, and i dont like it. I don't care what crews you're friends with, you want to playthe name dopping game I could list a few that would make your head spin. But. I'm not here to drop names I am here to instagate and fuck with. You aren't your boys, you're a toy no matter who you know. I belive the twins get held down like morning wood, but no matter how much you're up you aint holdin anything. Talk more shit. You dont care what I think? great! Cuz I think your toy.
  4. I wanna fist fight, is this the right place?
  5. Seriously though, you have got to stop writing Solar. For how many people write it, you aren't near to doing it justice. Reppin to the fullest??? man you must live in some backward ass towns with no writers, ortherwise it'd be Raped, crossed out and punked to the fullest.
  6. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid82/p3f217c0b5459dca8ad623b6b0995b932/faecf300.jpg'> stencil but also a sticker.
  7. getting better jerome. .......while I'm here. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid78/p683d53fd42095fc7938c6fea98046169/fb295529.jpg'> poster and sticker, depending on my mood. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid77/p79d0095bef9c27ec9cb1cafae1134c46/fb3b1b8a.jpg'> terrorist kit
  8. I don't know why I look in here. I just get frustrated. I want all you kids to come over to my house for a bar b Q, I'll show you the way of the force, we have some beers, paint the boards in the yard and schudule the next meating.repeat.... Eventually you'll kick ass and know all the secrets of the sword, then i make you a soldier and we go own some shit.
  9. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid81/pa7d3ea8e6d76e2e67b4569c0f75e092a/faf1fac4.jpg'> http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid81/p7a86ce7bfb3bf158997f4be2f4fba250/faf1fab9.jpg'> Group sex.......what do you expect? I'm sleep deprived.
  10. wait....postal stickers are free and streaks are about five bucks. How am i winning in this situation?
  11. First off, nobody owes you stickers. This is the internet not a trading show. But hey maybe I'll get some shit together and send em if you're willing to wait like a week.
  12. :rolleyes: You're giving advise???:lol:
  13. Old ass sticker..... http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid81/p1ad349e0a776e7b0bd81279cf1600ee5/faf725a9.jpg'>
  14. Yes. Yes i am.....Naw I've just been in the game too long, next summer will make 7 serious years. I've been taking my progress slow and it has paid off. Thanks for the kind words
  15. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid81/p34d8b4499f3327c739b3d18f527f7bdb/faf72a3e.jpg'> drunken calligraphy.
  16. JERRY- Those stickers lick balls, I see your intellect didn't come in a package deal taped to a sense of style. What did those poor stickers do to deserve that. gotta go my bowl of fuck is getting cold.
  17. Cerified on the ways of the sword. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid81/p0661307d2d6c815fe8fe6f998106a1ff/fafeb1d3.jpg'>
  18. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid81/p7e7211ad8c670b36a4b1238308a0f987/fb0122c5.jpg'> Just decided to kill some time, don't really like it but it kept me busy.
  19. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....oh god...i...think i broke someting..........
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