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Posts posted by Milton

  1. I figured the guy at the magic store made you dissappear or somethign. No, but on the real, those guys used to be dope, now they suck. The tricks they do are so wack, and they fuck up like 3 times before they get it right. And to top it off some guy in there was rude to me cause my shirt had a swear word on it. It was fucking blanked out on the u and the c, fag. I might swing by again, I was actually gonna buy something this time....

  2. I was at the 206 hop today, where were you? Hmmm... Puzzling...


    Besides that, I'm biting my tongue because internet beef is senseless, but i can picture some of the people on here talking and they shouldnt be saying what they are... my humble opinion...


    Fuckin with me? You'd better have your dentist on speed dial...

  3. Hey kids, guess what time it is... *Kids yelling* STUPID QUESTION TIME!!!!


    That's right and for stupid question time today we have a stupid question from Milton... Milton wants to know where you can get the paper that people use to make stickers like the last one above this. He also asks if it is possible to print on them using a regular computer printer... Gosh Milton! Thats a really stupid question!!!

  4. I too will be back in pullman soon, getting crunk with lil jon and the eastside boys. For all of the writers that go out there it seems very 'unkilled,' so many spots are chilly chill chill. I wandered around drunk for 3 hours and saw not a single soul. Hmmm... I'm puzzled, I saw lots of frat boy 'tags' on the rocks though, I should have got some flicks..


    Swallah Back...

  5. Originally posted by O3T2O

    Hey, speaking of MAVS, he's the only one who's got tags out here in pullman. And, stinkink, why post corle? Corle is garbage, if I ever see him again he is dead.


    Maybe you just don't know where to look. I was just out in Pullman and even in the alcohol induced stupor I was in, I saw some other stuff. I was too drunk to get flicks though...


    Thank you and good day...

  6. <img src=http://hyperphoto.photoloft.com/view/exportImage.asp?s=cano&i=11031316&w=500&h=377><img src=http://hyperphoto.photoloft.com/view/exportImage.asp?s=cano&i=11031315&w=500&h=377>

    <img src=http://hyperphoto.photoloft.com/view/exportImage.asp?s=cano&i=11031314&w=500&h=377>


    I have more, but like the lesbians in the chatrooms, I want to see yours first...

  7. Originally posted by Asickeronius

    Duder............I figured out who you are..........CLOZE!

    Still popping that shit huh? Why don't you drop me an e-mail again so I have your address? You gonna let me know when you come to town? So you can pop that shit to my face? I'll meet you wherever and whenever you want..........I'm living in the Sea now.........10 minutes from your boys houses! Let's meet so you can get that ass served! I have a life and don't have the time to show up at the fucking lame ass scenester parties with little kids cockriding each other! You ain't doing shit to anyone in my crew! Bring it to me! I want you to try! I've had enough of your fucking bullshit ass e-fronting! Fake fuck..........Eat dicks!

    Why hide if you're so tough? FUCK YOU! Just let me know when and where you fucking faggot!


    Holler at me on AIM if you wouldn't mind. My screenname is d4mi0n...


    Thanks a million...

  8. Why doesn't someone, maybe one the people with no job etc. like Asickeronius was talking about, go through this thread and link the flicks to a new thread called "Northwest Superthread III: Without the Bullshit Talking." And after that find a way to get a digital camera, tell your parents you're out looking for a job, and then take flicks of every article of graffiti you see, then upload them and place them on the new superthread...


    Thats my advice for today...

  9. Originally posted by Swiffer Jet



    It's not half bad either... way 2 go



    Koin, try to start with simple black and white letters first so that you get the idea of how they are made up... like this


    K O I N


    That will be all

  10. Originally posted by feezone

    All I can do Is laugh. I dont need to say more except read what I already told you over and over again until you understand. grow up


    It doesn't take a detective to figure out what's going on here...


    Does anybody know when the Paint Out is? Hope to see you there...


    That will be all...

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