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Everything posted by shape1369

  1. speaking of licenses, I lost my wallet yesterday. I need to find that shit. somewhere in my apartment.
  2. with all the people active in the forum, shit should be poppin right now.
  3. ps. the flesh of the fish is almost the same tone as the wood
  4. i think it works cus the hands are so good. edit- it also works because the haeads and tails (no joke) provide a nice compositional opposite of eachother.
  5. i heard that movie was pretty damn good. Phillip S. Hoffman is an amazing actor. I haven't really seen a role hes fucked up.
  6. this is a conversation that happened between me and fuse not moments ago. his post above is evident of his want... fuse: i'm the number 2 poster right now fuse: that mother fucker taxi driver keeps outposting me fuse: i'm trying to claim the cup fuse: just for a moment shape: haha shape: tool
  7. I would just like to say that dial up does in fact blow. I havent been on a 21k modem in a loooon time... and now I value LAN's even more... everytime i post, three happen in that amount of time...
  8. i could really go for just some good tex-mex right now. or some bbq.
  9. what it do. its cold where im at. i shoulda gone somewhere warm for spring break.
  10. dead and amet- great as always
  11. new idea. ill repost when colored. (bad lighting on pic. sorry)
  12. shape1369


    new stuff ive been tryin. bad pic (phone cam only).
  13. close for sure. im waitin to see wets, before i make my call.
  14. I'm in for whore. I'll post up either later today or tomorrow.
  15. the first one is great to. Europe, comin correct as always.
  16. seconded. feets, im curious if you have anything to say about mine. you always give pretty level headed input. i'd apreciate it
  17. im not exactly sure where to go now. im gonna leave it alone for a day or two and come back and see what i can come up with. this is actually the first thing ive done in a while that i like. glad to see im not the only one for once... thanks for the comment
  18. new idea. bad picture. hope you can see the letters. any input is cool.
  19. shape1369


    Looks good Elwood.
  20. maybe it's just me, but I'd like to see this thread stick to quality photographs, not kitchy things like that...
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