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Everything posted by Overtime

  1. you;ll get lots of hate here, my suggestion, ignore it and do your own thing, thats about all i can say.........
  2. yeah, they called and asked all these questions, i cancelled the account also,,,,i doubt i will need them again.. dbd, yeah, i was freaked out, she was like "did you recieve our starter kit" and such. She asked what my company did, how many packages i send that arent ups, and stuff like that. I only got 100, but whatever, i wont order again from them....damn, paranoia!
  3. can almost garuntee you arent talkin bout me, but you should put who you want to hit it up, names and such...
  4. yeah, has ups ever called you about yer labels?
  5. damn, ups just called me about my account, damn damn damn damn damn damn damn
  6. there are some a page back, just look, starzabove put up the scores, and there are a few that arent done yet you are stupid, tahts what a battle is about, got-damn
  7. something needs to get people to vote though.....
  8. rain+stickers=shittty shitty smelly
  9. thats dope, but i think there should be a rule you cant battle till you vote...
  10. bump, just because im addin shit later
  11. http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00344981f00000012.jpg'> i like this one
  12. Re: Re: Bumping whats the addresss for that? webby addy i mean
  13. lots of stupid excuses flowin around this thread
  14. i like it only cuz it looks so odd
  15. dang, and you can spell? thats terrific, i agree with turbo, you prolly have had meat in your mouth, fuckin idiot
  16. http://img11.photobucket.com/albums/v34/thugmonkey/sketches/61b2e3aa.jpg'> there ya go makeithappen5201-5918205-85-08=04856=0-485deltaniner-258-0825
  17. sakura markers i think they might be called, i dont know
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