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Posts posted by Ckit

  1. decaying ..that last shot of the dazed guy is great..

    question: whats your method of pulling portrait shots off of strangers??


    im going to Brasil in 2 weeks..i need to figure out how to get portrait shots of people..

    ( i dont speak portuguese)


    i usually shoot with a 18-55mm, and a 135mm


    i pretty much have three methods.


    i walk up to the person, strike up a conversation making my intentions clear that i want a photograph but also just trying to find more out about the person. After a while they will loosen up and you can get some really cool photographs.


    completely candid just snapping the photo and hope they dont get mad haha.


    orrr use a short telephoto. some people think thats cheating with street but i used one on the man with telephone and i really think it keeps the scene what i wanted it to be more than if i went up close. there just wouldnt be the same sense of business and isolation of the subject with a wide lens.


    if your going to brazil. first research customs etc of the exact place your going to be at. depending on where your going, be careful of who you take pictures of. some parts of brasil are crazy fucking places and you dont want to be fucked up/robbed over taking a picture of the wrong person. no matter how photogenic it might seem, stay out of the ghettos especially if you dont speak the language haha. also, learn how to ask to take someone's picture. :D


    i wish i was goign to brasil.

  2. I took a picture of the first man probably around 7:30 or 8 in the morning. i almost never take pictures from my car but his gaze towards nothing in particular was quite interesting.


    a few hours later, i struck up a conversation with the man in the second picture. it wasn't until i came home and started reviewing the pictures that i saw they were the same person.






  3. you faggot you just bit white kid. get some of your own flavor. dumb bitch


    i think that was the whole point to his post.


    and like rideabike said, this isnt a graff thread so take stupid beef the fuck-outtaa-here.

  4. also, no matter how boring or mundane it may seem. Wedding photography is always a great way to pay the bills. If you have any kind of talent and smarts, you can take in 6k a wedding or more. a perfect way to supplement more artistic photography with moneyy.


    and your gears not too bad


    i wish i had a 17-50 2.8...:)

  5. and fuck equipment, i only had a nikon fe-2 for the longest time and i just saved and saved until i could get what i wanted. definately invest in a SLR if you havent already though. it doesnt even have to be a good one. just one that lets you be fully creative with your pictures.

  6. how old are you?


    I think you definately have potential, all you need is the passion for it. and it sounds like you have that as well. what i would recommend is to not go full on into a photography career until you have some work experience in the field. see what you like and what you dont like. you may even find out that photography as your main profession wont work for you. Ive worked in newspapers and other related photo jobs and i HATED them.


    and take as many classes as possible!!! ive been lagging on this myself but im finally going to take my first real photography class this summer ! but i just turned 21 though so its not like im an old man or anything yet :D


    good luck.

  7. milo






    this was on site in downtown for some horror movie they were shooting. i had about 4-5 people tell me to stop taking pictures of 'their people' unfortunatly they couldnt do much since it was a public street.




    also, i only shot about 4 shots of different movie people anyway.


    another movie guy.



    seventh street metro. There were also two shady ass/pedefile looking guys at the top of the escalator shooting what seemed to be a porno. the non-nudie part of course.


    random abstract.




    and thats the end of my sunday afternoon, enjoy.

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