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Everything posted by maekr

  1. http://www.maekr.com/php/showcase/jpegs/evolved.jpg'>
  2. who did these? http://www.graffiti.org/hawaii/pfd.jpg'> http://www.graffiti.org/hawaii/konstruction-detail.jpg'>
  3. :eek: :eek: SCRIBE!!! :eek: :eek: i just shit in my pants. ...everytime.
  4. seriously yeah. well my year ran up and i got to pay them 200 bucks for another year of hosting. it was due in december, but oh well. plus i got too many flikks up and i ran out of space on the server. i have about 200 new flikks to put up. i'm thinking about taking all the old flikks down and burning cd's with it. then starting the new collection, but it's a lot of work to do. this is what i've been doing lately, but it's not graff related. http://www.maekr.com/php/ i just found out about this. http://www.uncleboy.com and uh. what's goin on here?
  5. maekr


    Re: SEMI-ONE http://img7.photobucket.com/albums/v18/fucktacular/semi_1.jpg'> same guy?
  6. how the fuck do you do fills like this? did quest do that cloud effect with pens/markers?
  7. yeah chill out. no big deal.
  8. i saw a tk tag today. ah man, i was so psyked today. i thought i found some SLICK tags, but then i saw it said SLICK RICK, so it's probably not. i think it's someone in TE http://img7.photobucket.com/albums/v18/fucktacular/slick_rick_2.jpg'> http://img7.photobucket.com/albums/v18/fucktacular/slick_rick_1.jpg'> here's nakas. http://img7.photobucket.com/albums/v18/fucktacular/nakas.jpg'>
  9. impossible. pakalolo commandos, going on 10 pages. hehe, cool.
  10. yeah, i never thought about that lead based thing. could be. i dont know thought. the whole place was abandoned. its pretty huge and super fun to "explore." i went their with a friend to do a photo shoot for my photography class so i didn't have any cans to hit the train. it's kinda built into the whole factory now anyway because that place was converted into a tourist attraction.
  11. coming from the kahaluu side its a little after kahuku high/intermediate, i think. its an old tourist attraction with a giant colorful set of gears or whatever in front. actually, you cant miss it.
  12. i went to the abandoned sugar mill in kahuku and inside was a whole bunch of buckets of paint... all sorts of colors. i grabbed like 6, but there's a lot more. if you guys are ever in the area, go check it out. there's also an old train inside.
  13. you guys sound like you havin choke fun. someone fill me in. i'd like to check that bench out. someone email me... user@maekr.com. peace.
  14. ^I always wondered what that said. hey katchkillah, can i burn a copy of that dvd? i remember trying to take flikks of seras shop a while ago, but the wouldn't let me because they said that katch would get in trouble or something because he's wanted by the cops. i dont get it. if they want katch so bad, why don't they go for NK? i got a copy of "aych kay" that day from seras though.
  15. RECYCLED FLIKKS some of my favorites from my site... nothing new http://www.maekr.com/inphamess/burners/awake_10.jpg'> ^awake. http://www.maekr.com/inphamess/burners/asen_8.jpg'> ^asen. http://www.maekr.com/inphamess/burners/bean_3.jpg'> ^bean. http://www.maekr.com/inphamess/burners/bible_5.jpg'> ^bible. http://www.maekr.com/inphamess/burners/bogus_1.jpg'> ^bogus. http://www.maekr.com/inphamess/burners/else_17.jpg'> ^else. http://www.maekr.com/inphamess/burners/float_15.jpg'> ^float. http://www.maekr.com/inphamess/burners/haboh_5.jpg'> ^haboh. http://www.maekr.com/inphamess/burners/mean_7.jpg'> ^mean. http://www.maekr.com/inphamess/burners/quest_1.jpg'> ^quest. http://www.maekr.com/inphamess/burners/seare_3.jpg'> ^seare. http://www.maekr.com/inphamess/burners/tekue_14.jpg'> ^tekue.
  16. lol. actually, i've been wanting to pick up some large canvases. where should i look. i was gonna make the frame myself, so i actually only need the actual canvas itself.
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