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Everything posted by AORAone

  1. those are awsome characters. good deal. more more more
  2. starz, if ya could, hold that battle completly, as soon as my computer stops shutting me down while trying to upload photos to photobucket, i will post a more serious post, r you could give him the win since im withdrawing, whatever whenever. on a similar note, has any one had this problem? meh. later.
  3. aight then, ill get to work on some serious shit then. you do the same.
  4. as i said before, that is not my entry, it is a joke. if you want me to do a serious one, pic a theme, its completly obvious that it was a joke. so take that flik down, and i will have a proper one up as soon as mt dilema with my computer not allowing me to upload fliks is over.
  5. its the quickest, cheapist way to get booze. tose kids are dumb as helll
  6. free booze to, turns out these dudes in my complex down the way threw a bash for there buddy leaving in the military. i was walkin around smokin and they were like " hey, free booze" come celebrate, and i noticed this fool brian in there, i was like " the fuck is he doing in there" so i walk in and try t osee why he was in there, he was invited by his older brother, and he was just waitin for the path to clear a little and was gonna rush the liqour table and ransack the shit into his backpack, told me t ograb shit too. we slowly made our way to the table, and he started shoving things in his bag, i just poured a shot of wild turkey, lottsa people were angry at him when they saw him putting shit into his bag. started kinda an uprising, while every one was chasing him, i put a bottle of christiansins brothers brandy under my shirt and walked out with an unopened bottle of e&j V.S.O.P brandy, and a barely touched bottle of prestiege rum. told everyone that was wonderin where i was takin em, that the guys on the porch requested it, thing is, everyone on the porch ran after brian. so i walked away. word. still havent touched that christinesins bro's brandy. my roomate is killin it for me.
  7. that bastard ragsoe, :lol: you never gave a homie a ring, i had that other rags fool lined up waitin for a battle too. had a ride, had alot of booze, and had a lot of paint. homie at wal-mart hooked me up with all the throw out denteds and capless ones. woot woot. anywho. how is uuuurrrbody tonight.
  8. wordism, i still have about 80 more to do, got about 200 so far. ill be down for this weekend or mid nextweek
  9. awsome flik man. right on. more guys, more.
  10. ^^^:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ^^^ holy shit that was funny, are you serious? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. HEY FUCKERS how the hell is everyone tonight? hopefully better than me. WOOT WOOT. i think i came down wit hsome sort of cold.maybe.
  12. propaganda, yo, thanks for the help with the thread. if you can spare more, feel free. thanks man. any one else have az fliks? post up kids.
  13. so no colors, anything we want? i guess.
  14. i lived in england for about 5 years, it sucks.
  15. im down for a character battle, dont ask me to think of a theme goddammit. you think of one.
  16. yeah i know im better off without. but still, im hella mad, all the time and money ive wasted to put this thing back together. im sooooooooo pissed, now i cant go to the 12oz, and make fun of you, or any one else, i cant organize my packages that need to be sent out, and i cant order supplies. dammit, man. this is gay. im going to kill her.
  17. yeah, el toro is fuckin cool, always love to see his stuff. more more more.
  18. my roomates ex girlfriend is taking her computer back. therefore i will be left with a cable modem box, and a new motherboard fan i bought yesterday. but i will not have a computer.it will be nearly impossible for me to find a computer to use to stay updated on dates and packages. and it will be even more impossible to find a computer to put my fliks of everyones stickers up with. its been cool and all, but if she comes and repo's the computer, i will not be on for a significant amount of time. supposidly she is on her way now. so this may be my last post for a while unless i kill her with a wiffle ball bat and burry her in the front lawn of my apartment......but that is very unlikely. however she may not take it back, im going to tell her that i was the one that fixed it, (true) she left it, i bought a new fan, i pay for the cable modem, and the deposit on the box, i bought a brand new floppy drive for it, i bought the double cd drives, and i spent countles hours putting the thing back the way it was supposed to be. anywho, im outro. sorry guys. *edit. if any one would like to donate to the "help fantom get a pc fund feel free, i wont stop you. but i know everyones broke I FOUND THIS OUT EARLIER^^^^^^^^^ but i found out later i have about a week till she picks it up. im so pisssed right now.
  19. well, shit. ill explain things in a sec. ima go cut and paste my post earlier on and you can judge how i am, ill give you a hint it starts with m and ends with d, its three letters. ill be back in a sec.
  20. hey iquit, hows it going? hows work, the old lady etc etc etc.
  21. well thanks kid. i appreciate it.
  22. thanks man. but it would be a wholelot of trouble on your part.
  23. guys, bad news. im leaving 20 deep. my roomates ex girlfriend is taking her computer back. therefore i will be left with a cable modem box, and a new motherboard fan i bought yesterday. but i will not have a computer.it will be nearly impossible for me to find a computer to use to stay updated on dates and packages. and it will be even more impossible to find a computer to put my fliks of everyones stickers up with. its been cool and all, but if she comes and repo's the computer, i will not be on for a significant amount of time. supposidly she is on her way now. so this may be my last post for a while unless i kill her with a wiffle ball bat and burry her in the front lawn of my apartment......but that is very unlikely. however she may not take it back, im going to tell her that i was the one that fixed it, (true) she left it, i bought a new fan, i pay for the cable modem, and the deposit on the box, i bought a brand new floppy drive for it, i bought the double cd drives, and i spent countles hours putting the thing back the way it was supposed to be. anywho, im outro. sorry guys. *edit. if any one would like to donate to the "help fantom get a pc fund feel free, i wont stop you. :lol: :lol: :lol: but i know everyones broke.
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