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Everything posted by AORAone

  1. propaganda, hit up my email or my thread....
  2. naw we crew kid. like brothers. man up. dont front.
  3. looks like i missed out on an interesting conversation there, iquits mustard was missing, fatbastard was talking about mingeling with youngins and fondling them, no? krie fears the holidays, some guy got his tonsels pulled and decided to make me lose my apetite for the breakfast in front of me, and earmuffs is the only one who did anything productive. cool.
  4. micro...what? the hell would you get that idea?????
  5. -------][/][-][-][`-][`}-][``][------ -------][--][-][-][_-][--][__][------ i was just lookin at your qoute micro......... *edit, after my fith try, i cant get it to line up. im done. ok after my nine or so try i think it should be good.
  6. awsome post. keepin the thread alive. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/arizona%20thread/00_001.jpg'> somethin i did today. nothin much, missions tonight if the rain, and my fatigue holds up.
  7. .....i dont know any of you...... :shook: :huh?: :huh?: :huh?: :huh?: :shook:
  8. i was gonna say this, but it doesnt matter, and i dont care. plus the dude never said it was original.
  9. great first post man. thumbs up. post some fliks of stickers. this threadhas gone downhill. *edit/ stickers in the street that is.
  10. this had me laughing for 5 minutes. i fell outa my chair. hahahaha.:lol: :lol: :lol: those are nice stickers parke, those half sheets are sick.
  11. yeah, im out of the big battle, my post was some buuuuuuuuulshit
  12. fuck it, my big piece was worthless anyways. edit*spelling;)
  13. oh yes, to any az writers that care, im going to launch a fairly good sized thread in brick slayers when i get enough fliks. if any one wants to help me out with fliks. hit me up on the email or aim. alls photos will be given credit for.
  14. a guy from dna has my book right now. so somethin good should come back in it. maybe i can get a few from whats left of alc. anyways, if you guys are from arizona, you should all post some blackbook work. or any thing. *cough propaganda cough*
  15. vandelust thanks.yeah, i dont have much time now. but i wouldnt see a re-re-match impossible in the future. vandelust 1, fantom 1. gottta get the tiebreaker.WOOT WOOT!. enter, your officially banned, cause i say so. lol, any one see the tread in the faq section? where the newjack asked how to ban people? rofl.:lol: quarterwater. try photobucket.
  16. that kids characters are ok. i like em cause it reminds me of a hammerhead shark, pretty cool if you ask me.i do supose you could draw them better. its a good character, kinda like a robot type hammerhead, but, it does look like a 3 year old drew it. revise, restick, repost.
  17. yo the pm doesnt work. hit me up on aim if you have it. inf3ctionit3
  18. :mad2: :mad2: whattya mean IM on the wrong side:mad2: :mad2: like i said man, give me a couple days notice in advance, and ill go with you, ill catch a ride myself. there and back.wonk. unless you lost my number already, just give me a ring.
  19. damn those are nice. good deal. fantom/respects
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