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Everything posted by AORAone

  1. sounds like a plan just hit up my email when your here, wonk saggin im down
  2. good to hear your doing your best to stay fit, i have earned alot of respect for you, your very responsible and thats cool as hell, much respect. wish there were more people like you, we could use them.
  3. but it s gonna be worth it alure. you know it is. how you feel today? been walking regularly?
  4. presscot? what brings you there? im only 18, i dont usually leave my apartment when im drinking.wonk. im not retarded
  5. arizona like WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? yeah rags, you gonna throw down in pheonix?
  6. lol, yeah , actually i favor tf dork. i actually had tgk dorks book a week ago, but i ad no scanner. keep on rockin tf. im envious
  7. so i know all the shit at the top is old like almost two years ago. whatever i got new shit to put in. stickers that were sent to me [imghttp://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/hakerspage.jpg[/img] some random shit i did not to long ago, real quick real simple http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/mltpage.jpg'> some other shit done awhile ago
  8. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/hakarcel.jpg'> did this one real quick for a friend.
  9. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/stickies_1.jpg'> http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/stickies2.jpg'> yeah yeah, i know these types of stickies are useless, but when you can mass produce them it kinda makes it worth it.:lick: just some quick shit, took about 10-15 minutes to do all of em, coloring included. made about 100 of them but didnt reall vary much from these so i didnt post.
  10. sho nuff.^^^^ ok fuckerss im gonna get readys to gos to work nowe, lol, drunkin working, hopefully i dont fall off the roof.lol, or hopefully i can make it up the ladderse. rip to me if nots causes it is a long fall down. ha ha. later heads
  11. IF YOUR TALKING TO ME THEN I WAS ON THE PATCH/AM NOT A QUITER/ AND I DID UNTILS ME WENT TO A PARTY LOL:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. if your talking to me i did, but went to a party and it got bad from there smoke break!
  13. im currently drinkin mad dog 20/20 and its like my 7th botle in 3 days, and im also taking shots of christiniansons brothers bracndy, my drunkardness just hit me when i hit this link, figures, wen i need to spell correctly my bodye refusess it, ha ha ha har. hey when? smoke break?
  14. pss CHEERS FOR THE DRUNK MEN wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot
  15. hello hello hello edit: what did you end up deciding on sending a book to west side down under? if your talkin to me bute, i never got anyones adress, need one of those before i send anything ya heard?
  16. some quick shit http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/mink.jpg'> i didnt finish this one, i started to color it right when my work decided to let us go, meh. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/characters.jpg'> i dont know if there is a character thread, if there is i was too lazy to look for it but here ya go, sorry if its a bit big. i personally like the evil can at the botttom.
  17. thats basically what we did, he wrote on the side of my house, so started covering all of his shit at the top right of my stickie, just above it you can see the only thing he ever writes ebk. occasionally i will see blaze1 next t oit but it looks like a 3 year old trying to write cursive. so i started erasing his shit with mine, i think he lives on my block, actually im almost positive he lives in that house with the baskitball hoop behind it, almost positive hes a 7th grade fat kid. lol, sources say so, but im gettin him.
  18. meh, a little something, nothing special http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/zazi_the_beast.jpg'> me and this kid are kinda having a battle on a lightpost, never met him we just started fuckin this street light up, the whole pole is now covered all the way around from the ground to about 8 feet up, this is a pic from the early stages.
  19. true, acrually ive just started workin on that style, you may be thinkin "yeah excuses" but seriously i have, aint really braggin or nothin but i posted a few more up there^^^. there alright, im no king or nothing, i just have fun ya heard? thanks for the input tho, always apreciated.(spell check). yeah and the whole k changin for c thing, i tried writing it with a c, but for 1. im no good with c's, and i never thought it looked right, im just a big fan of k, versitile ya know? cool tho. thanx again.:D
  20. yeah but whatever, i do my thing you do yours, i like to amuse myself, fuck everyone else. i thought it was funny, same as the spray can on there that says cry-lon, whatever dude, i think its funny. fuck the rest. wonk saggin.
  21. http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/purple_dinosaurs.jpg'> http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/thedgle.jpg'> http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v78/trendsetter/faceless_ghost.jpg'> did some of these today
  22. yo bob how can i get a hold of some of those?:)
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