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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Bojangles

  1. A few of my paintings will be hanging to the left of it. There's 3 artists total. Each with their own wall. 3 VERY different styles. The paintings are actually hanging up now and I ended up selling one before the place even opened.
  2. Bojangles


    Damn! Can't believe that's still rolling around!
  3. New framed piece... "With A Bullet" And a wall mural for a local restaurant...
  4. Bojangles


    Ah, so now we've gone from picking on each other to picking on pseudo-grafftiti-writing, art school girls...You guys are stepping your game up in here. On a side note, she did come off kinda' corny though.
  5. For me, I start with a core shape and just sort of envision an animated sort of imaginary path on the canvas. (Alcohol helps that part along nicely.) I just keep building off of it. Do one set of lines/layers then walk away for awhile or even a day or so and come back and keep building. I used to try and knock it all out in one sitting and I found my work got stale real fast. Do a little, walk away. come back later in a different state of mind and do more. Create some trademark shapes to use in your arsenal.
  6. Use the same colors you already used. (Or even better, find some complimentary colors.) Build on top of what you have with new shapes. Definitely looks like it needs more to it in my opinion.
  7. Bojangles


    Kinda' ironic... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moses_Cleaveland "The place called "Cleaveland" eventually became known as "Cleveland". One explanation as to why the spelling changed is that, in 1830, when the first newspaper, the Cleveland Advertiser, was established, the editor discovered that the head-line was too long for the form, and accordingly left out the letter "a" in the first syllable of "Cleaveland", which spelling was at once adopted by the public.[2] An alternative explanation is that Cleaveland's surveying party misspelled the name of the future town on their original map.[3]"
  8. Bojangles


    Amazing...In the last 4 hours I've deleted almost a dozen posts of people's who are either trying to start shit or people responding to outdated bullshit. When will they learn? Play nice kidz. I'm lurking tonight whilst drinking....bewaaaaaaaare! And yes, I have nothing better to do while drinking.
  9. Bojangles


    For sure. Holler at me next time you're around.
  10. Bojangles


    As you all can see "Jabari Daniels" is out of the game for trying to call me out (Which I believe is the second or third time under different names.) I'm letting all you fucks get your crying to eachother out of your system this past week and that's why I haven't been doing shit about it. I figure if you all call eachother bitches, hos and whatever else you rap kids use to demean, you'll eventually get tired. How many more pages are we going to ruin? What do we have now 5-6? Peace out "Jabari" I'll keep doing my abstract canvasses while you talk big things and never make them happen. P.S. You're only mad because you can't afford one. Way to tell me how to do my job by the way, when you're one of three or four that cause ALL the shit in here. With that being said; Mind@ease, Celt, Dru-nkkid, whoever else. Let it go or more people are out and eventually I'll just shut the page down. And the first person that talks shit about me threatening to shut the page down again is gone for good. I'll see you krazy phat taggerz tonight. Let's see if we can all hug it out by then. -Lost 113 OTR WYS *One last thing... Talk to me about this "Real Hiphop Graffiti"? I was out crushing fools in emcee battles all through the 90's right before I went out and crushed their surrounding neighborhood with style. Where were you??? Probably at home, finishing your homework and getting ready for bedtime. I was born and raised in these streets we all paint, living the life in the golden era of real hiphop...Not some suburban transplant like some people who frequent this site. This ain't no comeback, I've never left. There's fresh paint and ink popping up from me all the time. I've taken some steps back and scaled down over the years because I'm a GROWN ASS MAN with a real life, not some smoked-out manchild who has no identity outside of graffiti. I've got almost 20 years in this scene...Holler back when you do. Why am I even justifying against this fool? You cats doing your thing know the deal. -Respect to those here who deserve it.
  11. Bojangles


    The top link is Cold. He's the last piece on the right. I'm pretty sure (almost positive) the bottom one is not.
  12. Bojangles


    Just heard the news. I can't believe he's gone. Original quote: "I'll bet she has a rich Jewish dad." ...Hahahahahah! Cold was the man. Real chill dude. Never gave a fuck about the bullshit politics and was one of the few writers who I could say REALLY painted for himself. So much talent in his art and his music.
  13. Bojangles


    Exactly. I used to care. Now I'm gonna' let them all destroy eachother and this thread. Eventually, some other moderator will probably come along, see the continuing mess and close the thread for good. I want to but I don't have the heart.
  14. Bojangles


    I just wear free promo t-shirts and jeans from Tj Maxx. :o That's all I can afford on a moderator's salary. 12oz. pays me in WIC coupons.
  15. Bojangles


    They call me LOST Eastwood 'round these parts. I think all of your graffiti is neat personally. Shout outs to Lil Rik.
  16. Bojangles


    I'm just watching the show. I'm in an "I don't give a fuck mood" today. I just got a sweet new Metroid hat that's got me living care-free right now. I hope you all kill each other. Here is said hat... Now go beat the Mother Brain bitches.
  17. Bojangles


    You sound like an idiot. Did you know that?
  18. Bojangles


    It's "you're" not "your" and last chance playboy...drop it. Also, capitalize your I next time. I should ban you for that alone. *Side note" Never start a sentence with "And". **FUCK IT..Take 24 hours off and come back when you get it right. ***You know what...I'm drunk and dude posts flicks. I'm gonna' un-ban him and give him an e-hug.
  19. Bojangles


    Get a better computer. Not my problem kid. P.S. Keep your opinions to yourself for the rest of the night before your wish comes true. Same goes for anybody else dragging the beef out. I don't mind ANYONE telling someone else they're shit is weak or whatever once or twice, but we don't need pages of bullshit. Why do I even need to make this announcement every few months???
  20. Bojangles


    How 'bout everybody just shuts up already?
  21. Hahahahahha! I totally see it!
  22. I'm just gonna' lie and say this is my "Winter" piece.
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