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Everything posted by Sora

  1. my friend katie took these pictures http://www.angelfire.com/alt/plastyk/katie/bobbyshoe.jpg'> http://www.angelfire.com/alt/plastyk/katie/doublethechindoublethefun.jpg'> http://www.angelfire.com/alt/plastyk/katie/mailtrucks.jpg'> http://www.angelfire.com/alt/plastyk/katie/unlocked.jpg'> http://www.angelfire.com/alt/plastyk/katie/walkdontwalk.jpg'> and my favorite..one..http://www.angelfire.com/alt/plastyk/katie/ribbonsdrawers.jpg'> i think she's great..but thats me >.<
  2. i dig alot of this.. this is what i have till later tonight http://www.angelfire.com/alt/randomfl/angryseventh.JPG'>
  3. hey mang...can you post some of the sickers i sent you?
  4. i wish i got 1000 lol..i only got 50 =P
  5. dent i sent out your stickers ...wednesday morning..so yah..expect them soon
  6. hot...where can i get some?...airport?
  7. girl writers runing shit =P...very nice raze/ezar..im dumb so yah!
  8. lemmings was the best game...
  9. bump..this is toys post here...fuck toys post here 2...stick t the orignal!
  10. http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00271471f00000008.jpg'> my hand^ http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00271471f00000005.jpg'> http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00271471f00000006.jpg'> ^first time using prisma's lol http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00271471f00000007.jpg'> whack ass hand^^ sry about all the scribble dont mind it lol
  11. yeah i hate asain people
  12. is mine to complicated?...honestly i love criticism
  13. talk shit about my piece...welll atleast be honest...i like criticism...well..if it's really needed.....but i think only that could be said is practice
  14. aight..lol....i dont think he felt complete without his book lol....haha yeah you better finish that piece...i did a bers last night..it looks pretty dope...but really simple...
  15. haha my shits not even good enough to be made fun of
  16. http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00271471f00000001.jpg'> http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00271471f00000002.jpg'> these are 2 pics i did at my friends house..he's scanned them in for me..there the only ones i had at his house....the reks one got dirty when i was using it as reference...haha you can see white paint on the lower left lol....and it got dirty..but like i sed they were the only ones at his house..i'll post more sht up though when i head over there...tell me what you think and criticize all you want....and the adreneline one i did in like 15-20 minutes..i was gonna go in that battle....but i didnt feel like spending alot of time so i sketched that real quick and decided it wasnt good enough..so peace!
  17. haha alright.....your not bad though..your not AWESOME but you certainly dont suck
  18. haha no offense but it looks like you say you suck so you can get sympathy and people can be like *no you dont suck just try harder you need practice*..........lol..kinda like when skinny's girls say there fat.,,,,*ugh..im SOooOO fat*.."no honey your not fat i think your perfect"...*aww thanx i love*....lol sorta fishing for complements....but dont take that to offense..just speaking my mind
  19. hmm...i thought it was a complement....it's funny how expressions get fucked up when people post.....anyway calm down...i actually like it but anyway peace!
  20. whoa what the fuck was that?...looks like writer satun risk ya fuck,,,he was asking a question
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