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Everything posted by S@T@N

  1. actually for overactive imaginations and hyperactivity, they prescribe riddelin and tell you to stop coloring on the walls. /crayon on wallpaper is not an acceptable medium
  2. Those are great perception skills you got there. Actually, that's "You All Rott" just being a blatant jackass. No, but good job. Really.
  3. Your life has a fucking undertone. Maybe you should put some thought into why you don't have a girlfriend.
  4. Mr. ABC, move your microphone away from your speakers, I'm getting this weird feedback.
  5. Hahah damn, I went and posted before I read this shit. Fantastic job.
  6. Hahaha yesssssss, glad I voted.... I split this shit down the middle, 16-16. and I voted for Indiana Jones, 'cause he whooped Germans asses with a whip and a pistol while Han needed a fucking blaster. Bitch.
  7. ^^^^ hahahahahahahahhahahaha quality
  8. Top quality, m'boy. We are going to see God Forbid on the 25th when I come to NY. End of discussion. Go to your room.
  9. The geezers were cool... the Swedish Chef pwnt all of them.
  10. Re: ha ha ha You're fucking retarded. I wish the mods banned based on stupidity alone
  11. ^^^^^^^^^^^ HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  12. Alright I got one for ya, I think this was on an apple too. It was called Gold Rush. You're this guy and you get a letter in the mail about your brother who is apparently trying to get into California for the rush. It was on those bigass floppy disks and I can't fucking find it anywhere. I need some closure, I played it for like 15 minutes and had to give it up. Sucks.
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