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Everything posted by casekonly

  1. check for firmware updates for cd burner
  2. here are a bunch of file hosts. http://www.ghacks.net/2005/11/22/free-file...-november-2005/
  3. yeah, give it a try. somethign to note, my computer was still able to play games just fine before the new catalyst drivers were installed. now it kicks ass.
  4. PNO: PEE-no; noun - AN ADULT MOVIE MERODEE I GOT PIFF Quoted post [/b] ahh...i call it pr0n. anyhow, you need codecs. lemme see... http://sourceforge.net/projects/ffdshow http://www.free-codecs.com/download/DivX6.htm http://www.free-codecs.com/download/Koepi_XviD.htm download and install those
  5. tuneup utilities helped somewhat but my computer was already streamlined. all tuneup did was make my wireless connection faster and cleaned up some registry shit. are you using the new catalyst drivers for your 9800? 5.11 makes the opengl fly. oh, and msconfig helps, but i never use it. you can do the selective startup...yeah. turn off everything not microsoft.
  6. It's almost definitely the type of CD you're using that's causing the problem. I was having a similar problem, where my burned CDs would only play up to track 15 or 16 and wouldn't read the rest. I tried a different brand of CDR, and it works fine now. Also, Casek, I'm surprised your computer has no problems playing COD2 given your specs. Quoted post [/b] 2 ghz, 512 megs ram, ati radeon 9250 video card with 128 megs of ram.... i'm playing gta san andreas too. all fine. no glitches. my comp is tuned to performance.
  7. ok, i'm not all about blowing up software, but i just tried 'tuneup utilities 2006' and that shit rocks. made my wireless signal 100 x better. got a full 100% now. grab a copy from shareaza or whatever. it's about 8.5 megs. mero: PNO???
  8. heh....get a copy of nero burning and try using some different cds where does explorer store cached files....hmm... in the temp directory. c:\winnt temp or something like that.
  9. i'm gonna respond to this b/c i'm bored. daim (in person) that cat zesto and a few more from this place.
  10. damn...maybe your video card driver?
  11. hmm, let me tell you my specs. athlon 1.96 ghz 512 ram 128 meg ati 9250 video sb live 24 bit 7.1 channel soundcard runs perfectly on my system. as for directx...i've had some similar probs, download the full directx from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...en&Hash=V93YHY5 and reinstall. let me know what happens after you get it reinstalled and restart your computer p.s.: i already did the genuine advantage thing for you.
  12. probably your settings. i should upload a torrent for call of duty 2....so badass. 3.955 gigs though.
  13. hmm, does sound like some driver issues. did you check the manufacturer website for upadtes? try uninstalling all the drivers and shutting down, then switch the pci slot your soundcard is in, the install drivers for it.
  14. diggity: http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,1697,1815797,00.asp completely threw me off of why i came back in 12oz.... tomorrow (tuesday) is an imporant update day for windows users. in fact, every tuesday of november microcrap is going to release an important patch for winblows. make sure you update, bitches.
  15. i think you should try clicking on that 'active desktop' thing in your properties right click/properties/web/show active desktop just give that a try and let me know what happens.
  16. yeah. you can buy stuff from newegg and if it doesn't work, you have a way to somethign that does work....ebay, however...not so much. mack: ok, i've heard you can take a drill (no bit) and plug it in and wave it around the back of the monitor and it will degauss. dunno if that will work on the non crt's. it's a thing to do with magnetic shit....anyhow, try it.
  17. nah, but check newegg.com some great deals on there.
  18. herman hesse is part of a globalist conspiracy to make condom companies rich!
  19. niggy, i'm reverend casek nazty. edit: alure.....gimme my damn microwave! and the stereo!
  20. yellow feets. get a pci usb card thing. 2.0 say what quote=John Birch,Nov 5 2005, 01:35 AM] e-mail spam question: I use outlook and have a comcast account. Anyway lately I've been getting e-mails that are totally blank, blank from: field, blank to: field, blank subject and body. Because they are blank, but especially the "from" field, I can't block it or set up a filter rule, since it needs values in the "from" field. Thus I keep getting them and getting them.. Any advice? I tried googling and looking on outlook help, but found nothing... Quoted post USE THUNDERBIRD INSTEAD. http://WWW.MOZILLA.ORG http://www.rarlab.com download winrar. use it.
  21. i'm only going to answer alures norton quarantining is like a good thing. they are away from your files. pop up blockers....ugh...you need to get spybot http://www.safer-networking.org/en/download/ install it, update it, run it, do all that jazz that it asks you to. that should keep you kinda clean. remember to scan weekly. how about calling your homie once in awhile, huh?
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