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Everything posted by the_gooch

  1. oh shit, i didnt know that it was out! do you think ATR or scrap yard will have have?
  2. nah, not a teacher yet. i'm a teachers assistant. Quoted post WORD, THATS WHAT IM IN SCHOOL FOR (TO BE A TEACHER, NOT A T.A, BUT YOU GOTTA START SOMEWHERE)...IM TRYING TO TEACH ART IN A JUNIOR HIGH OR HIGH SCHOOL. I GOT LIKE A YEAR AND A HALF OF SCHOOLIN' LEFT. MERO MLBC. Quoted post [/b] Yeah I’m also an art Edu. major but I am switching to secondary special Edu. with a minor in art. The new school I am looking into is only accepting 63 out of 108 credits, which sucks. So, I need to hustle and try to blast this shit out as fast as I can. My goal is to be able to teach where I currently work or somewhere in their network of schools. God, I need to win some of this mega millions lotto or have 1ST blow the fuck up....hahaha. I donated a bunch of my shirts to this school store at my job. The kids earn points for good behavior and they can cash them in for stuff. The store is stocked with lots of crap so I figured that I would donate some of my crap...haha. The kids are feeling it though so I guess that's good.
  3. nah, not a teacher yet. i'm a teachers assistant.
  4. Today at my job, a student shit himself. The other students and staff had to evacuate the class room. Another student got carted off to the hospital with many police escorts. She refused to leave until she said goodbye to me and gave me a pound. I told her "stay up playa" Another student (who is 18) flipped out because his teacher wouldn’t let him buy an iced tea. He threw apples all over the room (made a big mess when they hit the walls); flipped shit over and got papers all over the place. All cause he couldn’t get an Arizona. This kid does this every so often, always over food. This one girl likes to fart all the time, so today she walked up to the Assistant Principal and farted on him, right on his leg. There was a lot more that went on, I just don't feel like typing. Yet another fun day at work! Next week should be even better since it will be the count down to a full week’s vacation! :yuck: :shook: :yuck:
  5. New title: "Tyler Durden is so mad, he is going to go home and yell into his pillow!"
  6. no, i'm home and being more antisocial than usual. family drama has got me locked down. i'm looking for a second job since i am dropping out of my current college. also, i am in the middle of trying to transfer to a new school and switch my major. by the way 1st is available at blades on broadway, if anyone wants to help blow shit up...haha. *edit for bad grammar
  7. I am probably going to have to bail out this time. I am in the process of apartment hunting, and will be in New Haven on Sunday painting. I am defiently down for a bbq in the near future, and always down for another jam. Maybe a few weeks.. Quoted post [/b] no doubt, good luck with the apt. hunting. yeah man, the weather is prime we have all season to get busy!
  8. me, tyler and our boy jems are defintly painting. i just wanted to see if there was still some type of theme or just a random free for all. that video clip is sick.
  9. dope! what's up w/ next weekend? who is rolling? are we still doing that sin city theme or are we just gonna do whatever?
  10. I was at a wake last night and tonight for my friend’s mom. Naturally I ran into a ton of people I grew up with. Most of them are engaged or married and some are having/have kids. So I run into a friend of mine who I went to grammar school with and her husband who I used to chill with. They both put on some weight, but she looked especially heavy in the mid section. Naturally, I assume she is expecting; so as I am saying goodbye to them I throw in the “Congratulations”. Luckily I didn’t say anything about pregnancy cause they were both like “Congratulations for what?” So, right away I realized my mistake and save my ass by saying “Oh I never had the chance to congratulate the two of you together at the same time on your marriage.” So, I avoided a potentially embarrassing situation for all parties involved but my friend who was standing behind me heard the whole thing and busted out in laughter after they walked away. This story had no point and was much funnier than the way I explained it. Oh, well.
  11. i'm down for the zine idea. today is my last day of vacation......booo! no biggie, i have a week off at the end of april!
  12. by the way i really can't stress just how awesome the vh1 classics show "the alternative" is!
  13. can't really appreciate it unless you got the whole thing to take in. just post them
  14. courtorder, post some flix, let's see the damage!
  15. perfect night to go and catch some tags and throw up's locally!
  16. call him gliko...lol or sickglik hahah i dont know.
  17. about gliks moving to boston or about me watching club mtv re runs? ...haha
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