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Everything posted by the_gooch

  1. yo i need to write a cover letter, i have an interview on tuesday. check this, i worked at this hospital about 5 or so years ago. i was only there for a few months and gave them my 2 weeks cause the people i was working with were real dick lickers. after i gave them my 2 weeks i naturally did the right thing by calling in sick everyday. so, i'm hoping none of that will pop up and i will be able to get the job. wish me luck people!
  2. that's my suicidal cyco look gats. my 1987 styles
  3. set it off suicidal style thug luvin come on people
  4. i just realized how much i like the band garbage. also, i need to go buy the temple of the dog self titled album. what does everyone have planned for the weekend?
  5. i'm looking to get an external hd for my pc, does anyone have any advice or opinions?
  6. fresh stuff E this is what i had before the grasper went over me. it wasn't finished, but i lost interest and i needed to make room for my homeboy. i love getting silly like that.
  7. yeah i am in the same boat as far as rent. ok talk to the durdens, let's make this happen!
  8. yeah those were the areas that i had in mind (astoria, LIC etc). let's do this!
  9. yeah a fame jam can be the move, it's probably the easiest way to do it. the bbq would be dope, or we can just go to bk (burger king) and front like it's a bbq. gats, we should all get a place that would be a great basis for a reality tv show: A str8 edge couple and 2 drunks (one of which is an old man). would you ever consider moving to queens? on a side note, i have a funky rash on my neck. i am master of the mystery ailments, it is amazaing. ok so everyone needs to come to the dmc battle that i am co-hosting next month in manhattan: june 8th at Opaline. more info coming soon.
  10. yeah i have been poping in and out. my pc is still acting the fool. i am trying to wrap up some shit on this wall that i wound up having my piece gone over on. it's all good. we should have a kb bbq like gat said.
  11. anyone have a copy of powerpoint they can get me? i have to peep something and i don't have pp to open it. dam gooch, you are lame!
  12. ahhh ok, no problem. thanks! painting in progress, yet again the gooch had some fam go over his lame piece, but it was for the greater good of things at that point. i'll post the flix as soon as we are finished. my wok is so ill, i just cooked up some chicken.....yum!
  13. gats, while you are at it lets see all of them shirts on you! haha
  14. Ok so today at work we had this kid flip out. He flipped over tables and threw chairs all over the lunch room. We had to take the kid down after he lunged at the assistant principle. So we get the kid on the floor and he is struggling like crazy, I couldn’t get his arm pinned the right way, so as not to hurt the kid. As I am trying to pin his arm the fucker bites me on my hand and breaks the skin. The cops had to come and cuff him, as he was cuffed he kicked one of the paramedics. Ahhh what an awesome day at work. nice flix by the way!
  15. yeah that will be cool. if all goes well i am going to blast out 9 credits over the summer (i wish i could take more) and 15-18 credits in the fall (with a ft job in the day). should be fun.....not. yeah so on a side note, i just spent the last hour trying to get screen caps from this dvd and transfer them to photoshop. that didn't work. any suggestions? also, my dvd player on my pc is giving me shit (interactual) any one have a link or something to a better one or an update? thanks in advance. are you guys ready for more war stories from my job? remember 1 week till vacation, that shit is worse than a full moon. more to come on that topic tomorrow.
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