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Sir Doodles

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Everything posted by Sir Doodles

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear GLIK$, That's cuz them East Coast Mexicans been living in NY (no diss). Truly, SDoodlesouthoftheborder
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear SneakandCreep, You lucky bastard! You and my guy Dave are both lucky bastards since he too is going to Europe...(I wish I was going to Europe) Wishing you the best of times out there (with a hint of jealousy) Surly Sir Doodle
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Friday, you couldn't have come at a better moment. I will enjoy my time with you and remember absolutely nothing from the time i get off work till Saturday. You rock! working for the weekend, Sir Dooooo
  4. Re: the R H I E N / G E R M A N Y - S U P E R T H R E A D Just out of curiousity, did you have to pay restitution or something?
  5. Thank you Fresh Green for saving this thread!
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Thursday, Please go easy today and end softly so that Friday can come in with a bang. Thank you, S.Dooooooooooooooooooood.
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Evanston Express passenger (I mean Purple Line rider), Okay you were rocking the fresh orange North Face jacket, but the train was mad packed and you were breathing out your mouth. Did you like rim your dogs ass for breakfast? That shit was foul yo! Next time use Binaca with a fat cap so you don't miss that cockhole of yours...okay?! Okay! With a mint in hand, S. Doodles
  8. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Wednesday, I'm gonna treat you like a Friday, and hopefully, you'll ending slowly like Monday. I shall begin the liver punching in approximately 2 1/2 hours from now. All my 12oz drinkers stand up and remember when drinking amongst friends (or strangers) there's no 'i' in drunk! Cashin' in my AA chips, Surely I'm Doodling
  9. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear -TORN-, Calling someone nerd adults and then ending it with a you fossil was classic. Maybe, it's cuz I'm high and I found it to be the funniest thing ever. With a packed bowl, Doooooood... ps I really like weed.
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Ravenswood passengers, (I mean Brown line riders) I fuckin' hate you all! I hope all you fuckers that refuse to move to let other passengers off because you're all caught up reading your idiot newspaper "Red Eye" have your stocks options drop and you die of a horrible incurable disease like AIDS of the leukemia of the ass or something. With Grudges and a wish for your death, Surly Sir Doodlesism ps You know why it's called the Brown Line? Cuz it serves a bunch a turds!!! Die you yuppie fuckers!!!
  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Wisdom Teeth, Enjoy your final reign of terror and discomfort! I've put up with you fuckers for too long! I shall welcome the temporary pain with gratitude and joy. After all, I'm getting Vicodin bitches! Bring on the Radiohead tracks and red wine (none from Chilé). 24 hours from now, you'll be gone and I'll be able to eat and paint with no discomfort whatsoever! About to be chewing with pleasure, Doodlediddy
  12. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear workers, Okay so this time it was a different location...and I will say this. You got got, fuckers!!!! kthnx, Diditlikedoodles....
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear workers, Thanks for being late at the yard last night/this morning...But I'm at work on time with only an hour and a half of sleep. The slaying of the beast shall resume... Fuck you very much! Doodledidasdoodledoes
  14. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear old roommate, thanks for posting on here (different thread) the upcoming competition...You're an idiot and I hope you get sirrosis of the eye!!! With regards to hope your computers (all 3) crash, Doooood!
  15. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Mero, Where have you been? I used to come to Channel Zero expecting to read the latest rips on hipsters,hot chicks and weirdoes and share them with my peeps....and now I've found myself reading the witty remarks of ^.^ & Sneak as well as few others. (No doubt, they're funny...but not Bronx funny.) Sincerly, DoodledoesfromChicagoyo ps No offense to ^.^ or Sneak (love teh catz!) and others..you guys are awesome with your remarks and postings... pss no homo (that is the dumbest shit ever, but I feel compelled to address that.)
  16. Dear Sup Bro, I wish you had ruby slippers right now and bring me my Italian Veggie sammich from Bari's (Chicago cats know the demo)...God, my stomach won't shut up..and I don't want it to be upset with you either cuz now it knows it's getting a sandwich...oh the horror of having to wait for my sandwich! Godspeed, Diddledoodle
  17. Dear Thursday, Thanks for having Rosh Hashish on your turn...my supervisor (who is AWESOME!) wasn't in and so far everything is alright...Bring Friday on and let the weekend start nice! Thanks, peninhandtodoodle
  18. Dear Friday, Why aren't you here!?!? Wednesday has always been cool but Thursdays can act like a bitch up until 11:59 pm then I laugh in it's face (either drunk, stoned or sober) But surriously yo...will you get here already! Serenity now, SDoodlesismisme
  19. dear catface, Congratulations on your new job...I hope it doesn't suck too bad for you. Cheers, Sir of Doodles ps I now have a roommate that's my own barista! Hooray for me!
  20. Dear Mets, Thanks for being on a 4 game winning streak! You came back to stay on top! Could you please win the pennant this year? That would make my life a little easier. With love from Chicago, Señor Doodlioso
  21. Dear Vaj and Some1, Thanks for reminding me that my life doesn't suck after all really. I DO have a 3 day weekend & I get paid for it! Zing! best wishes, Sir "you do" Doodles
  22. Dear Friday, thank you for showing up at the right moment, and now this weekend marks the end of summer. YES!!! I don't need to thank God for this one...would you please tell Saturday & Sunday to take their time in ending before Monday comes in? Thanks, Doodleism
  23. Dear 4:00 pm I await your arrival with eager anticipation...oh and tell your fellow time mate 4:20 it's on! Working smart not hard, Sir Dood
  24. Dear Conscious, I should have listened to you more when it came to dealing with these females. Please don't be mad and I'll be sure to listen more closely, okay? Okay! Best wishes, S. Doodles....
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