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Everything posted by SleepAnDream

  1. maybe i forgot to mention...im serious? http://www.processbw.com check out a friend of mines shit...its good stuff...
  2. watch swimming with sharks by the way...good flick. i watched 4 rooms again the other day, i forgot how much i liked the ending of that movie...
  3. i got suckered into paying 10.50 for it in the theaters....the movie sucked....hard...
  4. youtube ninja warrior if youre not hip to it already...its fucking amazing...
  5. haha, highschool was a long time ago.... id rock one of those shirts....you were slipping when you made yours son....
  6. because i dont hit women. my parents didnt raise me to be a fucking retard. i guess it only worked to a certain extent though didnt it....
  7. we shared an apartment, but when she pulled the fast one, she couldnt afford rent so she moved into her parents house...maybe she shoudve thought of that first...plus, when i was on "vacation", it was actually just visiting my fam in smassachusetts for easter for a week....we lived in virginyee....she still does....its not like i could go knockin at her door in a drunken rage one night...ha, harrassing her would be a commitment all in its own....
  8. depends, if youre driving you will pass right through where im at now. if youre flying, maybe i could make a road trip. i was just down there last month for the crew BBQ....i think i drank my body weight in alcohol when i was there, good times... im talking about legit screen printed shirts. not some half assed iron ons....unless its like, a printed out picture of tony dazas face or something....id rock that. not present day tony danza....fuck present day tony danza....
  9. ahhhh girl, i miss you you little fucker you....when you coming back down?
  10. yes....im pinching my pennies....waiting for the right time...she had about 500 of my CD's and DVDs and all of my tattoo equipment too....im not thrilled...
  11. Due to my super fucking awsome exgirlfriend throwing away all of my earthly possessions while i was on vacation and telling me never to come back,...i am in need of some new clothes, i have a little bit of money burning a hole in my pocket so PM me and we'll talk...hollahollaholla, imtryintohollaatcha!
  12. rezist is the fattest asian dude ive ever met...
  13. a man of good taste...
  14. looks pretty much how i thought it would...
  15. wow, i actually learned a couple things today on 12oz...that hasnt happened in awhile...keep at it fellas...
  16. i remember when virginia wasnt wack...
  17. which is a nice way of saying "mostly crap". its not your fault though...
  18. i caught that sigh a couple years ago
  19. bang bang! hot shit. look at that line up of old man out of towners ha.
  20. ha, that 3-D looks mad 1982. on some 3-2-1 contact colors...
  21. spre nero gauze dusk sek orphans/are 2007
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