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Everything posted by nick5542

  1. i dont call it urban exploration. i call it fucking around and scoping.. but yeah im into it.:lol:
  2. im more lost than a blind limbless retard in boot camp!
  3. tease said hes still down to battle and ill post his shit for him.
  4. teaseola takes that shit no doubt. that ensu has fresh potential but doesnt work for me how it is now. sorry playa!:cool:
  5. my bad sorry bout that and thank you.
  6. dope ass homemade marker when you gusy were little did you ever drink those juices that were in little plastic things that looked like barrells? i took an empty one of those and put ink i took from my art room in it, then i took a sock and rolled it upo and taped it in the shape of a cylinder, then i stuffed it in the hole andtaped it sealed. THen i took another piece of sock and put it on tp of the other so it wouldnt leak a lot and taped that, and ta-da thats a bomb ass marker!
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