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Everything posted by mosluggo

  1. Some asshole on the highway had a bunch of shit in an open trailor and a table blew out the back. It destroyed the front end of my bros maxima....Fuckin idiot...Thats all..Off to hawaii for the 3rd time in november..halla
  2. This chick had great titties........
  3. No i flew to phoenix, stayed for 2 days (it was 114f) then we made the drive out to san diego on no sleep... drank 6 red bulls and 2 cups of coffee while my jagoff bro slept in the back seat the whole time.. I had some painkillers that helped out a bit.... the first day we got there we caught 4-6ft and offshore....Surf,drink,surf,drink great time..... What a great feeling pulling up to the beach and not knowing what to expect, seeing these stacked lines....................
  4. View from the balcony, you can see the water..... Some other houses in the area..........
  5. If i ever win the lotto im buying this dude out of his house.... dudes 32 brock
  6. Spilled some scolding hot coffee all over my junk while doing 90 miles an hour....
  7. Road tripp Phoenix to Del mar (North San Diego). Stayed at my bros friends house a block from the beach. House was around the 3 million dollar range.. Ill start with some pics of the drive, then get to the good stuff.
  8. Ok Done for now. See you all soon..Time to party.............................................
  9. I wasnt done yet...oh well maybe ill do another later...just hit 10,000 on my camera..see ya mosluggo
  10. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fresh off vacation..Stayed in this pimped out house in Del Mar a block from the beach. 4-6ft and offshore......
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