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Everything posted by SukiSukiNow

  1. are you kidding me? you guys are on page 306 now? im impressed... effyoo's visit to san francisco... everyday it was beer beer and more beer =)
  2. Effyoo came to visit for a few days. We had a blast, he is the perfect house guest. He cooked, cleaned, and gave my dog lots of love.
  3. There was a tsunami warning here in San Francisco bizarre... Shu pissed on her puppy pad for once!! adult swim is rad
  4. Whats up strangers, it's been so damn long. Been a busy month, opening a new location in a couple of weeks and doing a little traveling and stuff... Austin to LA to Lake Tahoe...
  5. well hi back :) i've been great and how have you been?
  6. man siar is week..he needs to learn some respect/style before he thinks he can go over people... Quoted post [/b] edit, not worth mentioning
  7. doh!! sorry, i swear i meant to call but i've been working 11 hours everyday, 7 days a week!!! call me at work sometime, im there all the fucking time. i'm so dead tired. :yuck: <3
  8. hi strangers =) hi villain, you suck rotten eggs :chicken: <3 sooki
  9. so im gonna be a bride's maid and i wanted to wear a poofy gaudy taffeta dress but this is what they gave me instead... damn this bitch is skinny
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