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Everything posted by ClueTwo

  1. Can't say that I've got an exact vehicle that I'd like to build, but I want something unique. Oh shit, just typing this made me realize that I'd like to do my first vehicle... 1976 Jeep Wagoneer.... I'm on the hunt..
  2. Re: motorbikes! Sorry dude, it's a KX250..
  3. Re: motorbikes! You need a riding buddy...Maybe even a hug, n/h...Get that shit from your mommy..
  4. Re: motorbikes! I rode my neighbors CBR1000RR to work today..Feels great to ride again..
  5. Damnit, everytime this thread pops up it makes me feel like shit because I haven't done a model in so long...Everytime I stop at the hobby store I just can't seem to find one that I really want..
  6. hahaha... btw, is that really a picture of dude shooped into all those pictures above?
  7. Reply to: sale-633912285@craigslist.org Date: 2008-04-07, 2:35PM MST Dear Crazy-As-Bat-Shiht-Lady: I am honored that you chose my ad for a mini fridge out of all the ads you could have chosen. It makes me feel good that my mini fridge will be supplying you with the ice cold beverages you've obviously become accustomed to. Next time you answer one of my ads, please note the following: 1. I am not Home Depot. If you travel thirty minutes to pick up a bulky 40-pound object, please come prepared with the necessary items you'll need to secure it to your vehicle. Yes, I have rope. I have a lot of rope. I have many different colors and sizes of rope. No, you can not have my rope. The ad said I was giving away a fridge, not a fridge with rope. Nor was I offering a fridge with padding so that the pleather seats on your piece of crap 89 ford pinto with no hub caps car don't get marked up. 2. What part of ' must pick up' in the ad was confusing to you? Yes, I have a vehicle. No, I don't want to haul your fridge all the way to East BumbleFuck on the hottest day of the year thus far. No, I'm really really sure I don't want to do that. No, really. I'm sure. 3. Please call me only once with ALL your questions. I left for the day, and had 5 messages on my answering machine, the last one was at 11:30 pm. Frankly lady, you were sounding a bit too crazy by the end of the day. It's a fridge. A small metal box that keeps shit cold. I don't have the fridge's family tree. For all I know the fridge's was conceived by a slutty young Maytag that graced some hillbilly's side porch. I don't know the exact age of the fridge. I bought it a few years ago, I used it for a couple of months, ok, I lied, I used it a whole year. The fact is, you're not buying a race horse, you're buying a used fridge. 4. No, I will not throw in a couple bucks of gas money to pick it up because your anal retentive eyes picked up the ittiest, bittiest hairline scratch with a microscope so it wasnt completly described. I'm not making judgements on you, but I'm pretty damn sure Donald Trump didn't send you across the state to pick up a used fridge for Trump Towers. Though I'd wager the whole concept of the mini-fridge bar is a familar one to you. 5. Yes, you can unplug a fridge without any harm to the fridge. Believe me, the fridge is fine. The manufacturers have figured out a way to extend the life of a fridge that has been unplugged. Yes, I'm absolutely sure of that. No, you did not have to leave 2 messages about your concerns with the fridge being unplugged, and frankly it was a little embarrassing having the same conversation with you in my driveway where my neighbors could hear. 6. No, I don't have the operating instructions. I can write them down for you though: Plug fridge in. Open door. Put crap inside. Take crap out when it's cold. Eat or drink crap. 7. I am not a fridge pimp. I don't have any more fridges at that price.No i dont have one in a diffrent color to match your other appliances, No, I don't know where you can get another fridge just like this one for your friend. Yes, I know it's in great condition, and I'm sure you'd like your other crazy-as-bat-shit-mini-fridge-finding-friends to have one just like it, but this is all I have. Here's a thought, there's this online classified ads website. Yeah, you may have heard of it, it's called CRAIGSLIST. I dunno, maybe, just maybe, in this great land of ours, there's another mini-fridge being advertised there. Yours truly, the family that gave you the fridge
  8. Sun dried tomatoes and anchovies?? What the fuck??
  9. Re: motorbikes! That bike is fucking ill...Buy me one while you're at it.
  10. Re: motorbikes! I've been dirt bike riding like crazy. My boy finally brings a camera out, and says he lost the cable..This was last weekend, but I had to buy a 20 dollar memory card reader to get it. I'm normally a trail rider, but I saw this little jump 5-6 weeks ago, and I've been completely obsessed. Since then I've been trying to jump everything in sight. Had my forks seals replaced by a guy in town here that does forks for pros. I still think my rear suspension needs a heavier spring, but it's one of those, not broke, don't fix it kind of things. Prop me!! hahaa
  11. Re: motorbikes! Unfortunately, I did sell the R1...Killed me, but I had to do it. A friend of mine from Colorado brought down a newer R6 that I've been mobbing around on the weekends, but it's going in the cycle trader any day now. I've been procrastinating on trying to sell it, but he's getting upset and says he can't buy a house until it's sold..I call bullshit, but he's been calling.. I've still got my dirt bike...hahaha I'm looking into getting a cruiser. Possibly an older bobber, or soft tail...I love sport bikes, and I'll probably end up with one, but my heart is falling towards a custom right now.. Phase or not..It's probably going to happen..
  12. My boy just bought one..It's heavy and awkward..$1600 w/ tax... It's tolerances are stronger than anything I've ever seen, and you can tell it was made to be fully auto. Unfortunately, unless you want o consent to having your home searched randomly..Forget about it. One of the cool things about the Tommy gun....It was designed to keep the spent cartridges in the drum..Again, that's also illegal and I'm not sure if that can be modified on the newer models.. Comes in a dope ass case though!!
  13. Re: motorbikes! I hate snow...This is why I live in Arizona. There was a high of 72 yesterday...Ahhhhhh, windows down and pimp arm strong...
  14. Re: motorbikes! Hell yeah, I'd ride it..
  15. Re: motorbikes! Some1, have you seen the Sato rear sets?? My boy just got some a few months back for his Monster 750.. Holy shit, they look great..As a matter of fact, picture..(For the GSXR1000)
  16. Re: motorbikes! I'll have someone take a flick of me riding my dirtbike,,,I'm all geared up...
  17. Oh man..Now that I brew my own beer it's hard to look at some of these choices the same. I've got so many that I like it's ridiculous.. Right now I'm still on the Sierra Nevada Porter, but I bought a few others that are new to me as well.. I love good beer, but not as much as I like my whiskey.
  18. Re: motorbikes! Does it come without fairings like shown in that picture?? Not sure if I spelled fairings right...
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