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Everything posted by cornelius

  1. congratulations on the vet status pistol... i actually made member status in this thread... hm... well yeah.. i'm down with cats.... i don't know about killing kittens...
  2. yeah i got out of work early today too.. 8.30 ... yep.. i think i took in too much sugar today though.....i had 2 giant mountain dews from kfc, and a bag of starburst for breakfast... and now i'm eating the one pound bag of crispy m&m's..... my hands are shaky... my heart is about to explode... i think i'm going to develop some bad diabetes.... oh well..
  3. haha.. yes.. tattooing is awesome... selling artwork can be awesome, but it can also be a pain in the ass... i had to drink all night just so i wouldn't get pissed off at this goddamn drawing... trying to draw "happy" waves is harder than you think...
  4. i'm getting $250 for this idea... i'm painting it on 2 masonite boards... nothing too difficult.. it's buying me a tattoo machine... and once i get it in the mail... i can start tattooing! finally!!!!
  5. yeah, i should go to bed, i have a meeting tomorrow to sell some artwork..... blah... i had weeks to do this shit, but i just started on it today.... probably won't finish until 10 minutes before..... i'm lazy as shit..... oh well......
  6. yeah that's true... guess you can't really be a nightowl if you sleep all night.. still get much respect..
  7. official nightowls theme song? Tony & the Champs - "nightowl" off of the hardcore doo-wop cd..... found it today.. i'll post the lyrics when i find em... it's pretty damn funny..
  8. awww sheeit... since they do live together... you should hump the serious one all the time.... and then hump the other one every now and then WITH your steady girl... you know.. change it up a bit... get em both at once... they are friends and shit.. they're out of high school. they've probably already "experimented"... so it just might work..
  9. hell yeah... the maxx is too good.. it's very mmm.. thanks for posting those willy..
  10. hahahahhaa.... triple sack, man.. triple sack..
  11. too many creepy threads asking for my information on here... i'm going to sleep.... goodnight nightowls..
  12. damn i can't believe i never bothered to read any of this before.... things are a lot more hilarious when they're put into this thread for some reason...
  13. hahahaha.. awesome.. i didn't even notice... hahahahaha... oh well.. hahaha.
  14. sorry to hear it willy... cock blockin is not where it's at.. your friend better recognize.. if you're about to get your swerve on with a girl, possibly 2 simultaneously or one at a time, he needs to find a place to sleep right there where he's at... you made a huge sacrifice by taking your friend home that night.. sometimes it's hard being a nice guy... maybe you'll have a second chance.. good karma or somethin.. better hope for your sake..
  15. damn... it's almost like he was trying to pull a cock block on your ass....
  16. that's hally..... mmm.... puffy... anyway... yeah... charlize man.... charlize.... don't forget about her..... if you want her..... you need to wheatpaste an entire billboard just for her.... and make it good.. make it better than all the rest..... she'll love you forever..
  17. charlize will love you as soon as you stop doing graffiti... girls don't like skinny white dudes that paint on trains at night...
  18. good thinking...... i don't know if charlize would be too into a giant bubbly rash..
  19. damn.... WhenOne... what's up? i haven't talked to you in forever.. maybe you should turn on your AIM once in a while! oh and zack.. watch out for those bushes.... some might be poison ivy... you don't need a giant nastitaleous skin rash developing during your wheatpaste date tomorrow...
  20. i'm just gonna spread my stencil work further out from fucking groton, CT... then the respectable writers might want to hook up and do a joint project with me...
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