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Everything posted by Amuser

  1. It sorta looks like some of the "bombing" in this flick is drawn on there with a pen??
  2. On some next level Dubai tower shit
  3. hahaha - what? I thought it was all about diamond shapes and stencils now?!
  4. People photoshop shit all the time. I thought it could be shopped but when magnified, you can see it's real. Painted real clean. Sad that it's come to the point that we have to question what's real. Did the same thing with this one.. Dope and real
  5. I have just received Steel Wheels 1986 - 1997. As said before on this thread, this is definately a worthwhile purchase.. That said, check this site out: http://24flinching.com/word/headline/subway-lifeblood/
  6. ^whoa This is either painted very sharp OR photoshopped..
  7. This^! That vid is cool but I just wish they would have kept the camera straight when that train rolls in. Found myself tilting my head over following the camera!
  8. Well said That last pic, that Sento is dope! $tolen This book is also not to be slept on:
  9. I gotta say that $50 these days isn't too bad for a book that has the right flavour. People pay this much to park for a day downtown so I stand by my dollar. $tolen
  10. Can someone send me a link to the site to get this?
  11. Bump this post - best in a while. Sydenham used to be sweet when that wall next to the station was legal (Bren, Rson etc etc). $tolen
  12. If graffiti had a hall of fame (and it should) Iz and Dondi would be the first 2 nominees RIP
  13. $tolen Anyone got the Midg rainbow WC? Can't find this..
  14. Between getting up and being a real writer I'm sure he worries about this. God knows we all wish that we possessed the talent to comment on things on the internet.
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