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King Of Hell

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Everything posted by King Of Hell

  1. King Of Hell


    As far as wrapping your tube in that spot, thats the place where the handle bars, if turned as far as they can go in either direction, will hit the top tube. Wrapping it with some tire tube rubber, and or enough elecrtical tape can prevent dents ins the top tube. Whan you lock your bike up, sometimes it gets bumped or slides and then the handlebars whip around and fuck your tubes up. Also if you have a crash or something. The deep v rims are nice, with some high felange hubs they can give you a real stiff wheel, they are pretty damn strong, and sure, they look great. Its not a must, you can find plaenty of decent wheels that dont have the deep v-ness to them, but theres no issue with the brakes. They would grab the wheel in the same place that they do on anyother wheel.
  2. Skulls are timeless. Never get played out.
  3. I know this is probably a silly request, but does anyone have flicks of mid-nineties Ft. Wayne graffiti? I used to live out there around 94 and did a bunch of work, and have zero flicks of anything from then.....I painted some hip hop clothing store back then too.... Thanks in advance if anyone comes through.....
  4. Probably. Writers don't know how to act. No code of ethics. No guide lines. Hell, even the mobsters have a criminals code.
  5. King Of Hell


    His name isnt san rensho by the way. Its just the name of the bike. Translates loosely into "Three lucky victories".
  6. King Of Hell


    The genius is often misunderstood until way too late.
  7. King Of Hell


    That last bike, the "funny bike" is what they call those. Pursuit frames. Hot like nothing else.
  8. King Of Hell


    3RENSHO beats up your white girlsfriends!!!!!!I go to that site alot man. Nice post.
  9. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Looks like DEMO.
  10. My God I love this, but I'm willing to bet some douche bag is going to come along and write all over it to prove just how "I don't give a fuck" he is and because you know, you aren't allowed to like that kind of graffiti nowadays. Sweet.
  11. King Of Hell


    yeah man, im looking forward to it. i might buy a lock too
  12. King Of Hell


    I didn't actually get one yet, but I just got a job that will enable me to. Think, Chicago 2001 times 5.
  13. King Of Hell


    Not I, but I am proud to say recent developments have paved the way fro me to buy a Rensho. Thank fucking Hell.
  14. I liked those last weird illustrations. The fat chick and the asian looking chick and all that.
  15. I dont know..saying I don't like that stuff because I don't like collage work is like saying the reason I don't like grape leaves is because I don't like greek food, which is total horseshit because I will fuck up some greek food. I'm a fan of collage work, really, I am. This particular style is just so over to me though. When comedy central is using similar styles in their station id's its already too saturated. For my taste anyway. i'm not saying its bad, dude, i'm just saying im tired of it.
  16. King Of Hell


    Also another thing that can fuck your knees up on a track bike, is size. If you go a tad small its better than a tad too big. You can always raise your sat post or get a longer stem, whereas you can't really shorten the bike if its too big. It's important to get as close to what you need as possible to get the most out of it. My bike right now hates me. I can't even ride it. I need something else.
  17. King Of Hell


    If you do a search for "track bike" you should get decent results. Alot of the time the size isn't posted in the title on places lik ebay.
  18. Yeah. The one with just one word up thee..browninsh with the light blueish green word..I like that one. The rest of it looks like some wierd cross between Chris Silva and Rick Barnes who's been doing that shit for like the past four years. I dont know man...I can't reall handle it anymore. I rcognize there is talent in this dudes work, and he is good at what he does, it just seems way too contrived, whereas M. Killgalen 's stuff just reeked of ould soul. I love that shit because I love looking at old wall dog and sign painter shit. Oh well. I will just resign to always being the asshole who doesn't get current work. Write me off as crotchety.
  19. King Of Hell


    Yeah, thats total horseshit. A computer mouse isn't dangerous because the way you use it gives you carpal tunnel syndrome, just change you're position, or the size of it and things will improve. Yeah, I know a ton of people who fuck their knees up too, and it's for stupid reasoning. Ride fast then try to lock up..Yeah of course that will wear on your knees. So how about some bike grace?..skip instead of skid, turn into your skip to re-position yourself so you don't need to always be locking up so hard... People ride bikes so stupidly for no reason(and dude, I was a messenger so I realise sometimes you gotta go fast, but come on) that they fuck themselves up. Solution? Ride smarter. Its not the bikes fault.
  20. No dude, thats totally in a different field. I like that graffiti. I mean design. On paper, or computer screen...in a gallery. Graffiti is still at heart graffiti. So it has something going for it to make that style charming. Granted, you're right it does depend on whos doing it. But what I was talking about is everytime i flip through some magazine I see all this "purposefully naive pseudo primitave" art out there. All influenced by graff, and all trying to be the super hip un impressed graphic of the month. I hate Neck Face's work.
  21. King Of Hell


    You shouldn't have too hard of a time finding bikes that size unless you are shopping for keirin frames specifically. Check ebay, they always seem to have a few large sized bikes on auction. As far as your girl goes, everyone thinks fixed gears are dangerous until they get used to it. Sollution? Get her one. Go single speed/ficxed flip flop hub style and then talk her into going on a lazy slow ride with the fixed side...she'll love it.
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