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damn vandle

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Everything posted by damn vandle

  1. rip heist.. so much fucking style!!! cool to see all those cars done for him... :innocent:
  2. cat tale ale pumkinhead (shipyard)
  3. damn, those are real nice!!!^^^
  4. its a real piece of trim, but i repainted the whole thing (faux wood grain, fake rusty nails, the shadow from the nails are also fake)... :pumpkin: :pumpkin:
  5. a few of mine: :pumpkin: :pumpkin: :pumpkin: :pumpkin: :pumpkin:
  6. http://photobucket.com/albums/v325/rangeroo/sketch.jpg'> http://photobucket.com/albums/v325/rangeroo/sketch1.jpg'>
  7. damn thats a horrible picture!!! i'll try and fix it...
  8. heres one of mine, http://www.thevapors.com/archive/albums/userpics/cor.jpg'> C.O.R. tribute....
  9. HERES ONE FROM MY COLLECTION. http://thevapors.com/archive/albums/userpics/normal_aronafr8.jpg'>
  10. Re: Amory Railroad Days festival a success Kabar, sorry to hear about your mom, best wishes.. Do you know where to find that N. Geographic video..
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