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Everything posted by uncle-boy

  1. and who here is trains?? i just started up again.... took gracie a couple years ago for a min, got lazy. now im back at a school with all facets avalible, but right now just working on my boxing and jiujitsu. shit is mad fun, if any of you cats are interested you guys should go for it.
  2. that was from last week buddy.
  3. i wanna peep this one fo sho.
  4. his OG stand up special "You So Crazy" is classic! almost eddie murphy status, seriously. "You So Crazy" first clip, then has the rest of it in sections on the right..... im actually watching his latest stand up special 'Run Tell Dat' on comedy central's late night uncensored shits. good stuff, but not as funny as his older stand up. anyways, garanz ball baranz if you had a house party and popped in that martin DVD people would be stoked and laugh there ass off. not to mention all the impressions that would start popping up by drunk white people, LOL. next time im drunk at walmart, it will probably be one of my purchases... :lol: but larry david, really is a genius. bumps for all those fuckers that have cracked me up at one point in my life. ps. 7000th post woop woop
  5. i cant believe im still on here.... cuz i dont even really talk to anyone. just kinda drift and laugh at random shit. lurker status
  6. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^6 blahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!! holy shit, thats the most hilarious moked out mocking shit ive seen!!! soooooo stupid!! growing up in the islands, ive had a grip of similar confrontations by stupid ass mokes. (except the mokes are giant hawaiians/samoans/fijians/tongans/mix breeds, or smaller ones with their huge brothers cruisin around the corner, lol. and ive never ended up catching cracks, cheeee heeee heeeee!!!) shit is classic :lol: thanks for the laughs!
  7. 10am to 1pm..... mutha-fuckin Dr.Laura don't hate, that shit is mad entertaining. :lol:
  8. the MOST BRUTAL chick beatdown ive seen yet the tall chick knows how to throw them fists, reminds me of my ex chick. LOL
  9. Re: 12oz Chauvinist Club THIS VIDEO WAS MADE FOR THIS THREAD funniest towards the end.... shit is hilarious :lol: is this one of you cats?
  10. that was a short story by the cat who wrote snatch, i think... it might be a different author tho.
  11. its the 1980's brutality/violence acceptability in a hero, with 2007 graphics... fucking awesome. fucking exploding tip arrows.... IN YO FACE!!!
  12. that's fucked..... one time, my friend noticed a blue thread sticking out of his knee. he pulled out a whole 2 inches of it.... it ended up being a left over stich from some knee surgergy he had like 20 some odd years earlier. it was gross, he has it saved too.... fuckin weirdo.
  13. Great thread Deterrent, real awesome flicks. i need to start taking advantage of the surrounding islands more, and its hella cheap to get there nowdays. like 30 bucks one way, and i got a homie on almost every island so a place to crash is always free.... i think its safe to say you have inspired me. chee hoo!
  14. mayhem has actually already fought in the UFC. he fought GSP before he really blew up. as far as i know, that was both of their first fights in the UFC. i thought mayhem was gonna mash him up, but GSP really put on a good fight, and no matter how much mayhem flexed his skills, he couldnt pull it off. i still hope miller gets a chance to come back to the UFC and fight again, hes a real talented fighter. right now hes just been eating up all the star status hes gained living here in the islands, and fighting in the league putting fights together down here. he had the belt for a min too, but lost it to frank trigg a bunch of months ago. I'd be stoked to see him come up in the UFC, definately a fun guy to watch fight.
  15. some cats pretend to be cops, and roll up on fools shit is pretty wild, :lol:
  16. cheeee heee! i knew Rampage was gonna smash um. Dan Henderson is a beast, Rampage is gonna be bummed if he,(Henderson) joins the UFC. and the stoppage was right on, chuck was out cold. altho the 3rd crack he got while on the ground seemed to wake his ass up again lol, he was still pau hanas. the next UFC should be really good. GO TEAM PENN!
  17. and ill take one of these bad-boys...... The KRISS .45cal Submachine Gun
  18. theres some real fuckin cools ones in there. and this vid is rad.... mini uzi
  19. Re: What's your favorite gun? thanks for the suggestion, i been checking this one out on the net. seems like a pretty fucking awesome handgun. heres the promo vid for the Taurus PT 24/7 PRO Pistol
  20. $1400...to......#3000?? :lol: what, would you feel morally wrong for accepting more than 3g's for that one?
  21. sweet flix, JET BLACK. cheee hooo!!!
  22. Re: What's your favorite gun? the KRISS pretty awesome SMG, has new recoil technology. couldnt find the video that breaks the internals down tho. for you handgun owners... any suggestions on what kind of handgun i should get? ive been looking at some S&W's... but im not 100% yet on what to get. btw, im looking for something in a .45 this one is a beauty, but i know some peeps were saying 1911's take a lot of up-keep and stuff, so i'll probably get something a bit easier to maintain. I really like some of the new S&W polymer frame pistols. any ideas homies?? ive also been looking at some Ruger .45's that are real nice too...
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