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Everything posted by duh-rye-won

  1. are you the girl you posted a pic of in i want to see you thread? if so, all you have to do is tone down the hipster fashion and you can be a knightbat. you can be my girlfriend too.
  2. oh shit. i totally forgot. i just want 160 to be down, he's the only one i care about. and DaNcE n GrAfF too. cuz that's what bein' a bat is all about. and then i want 160 and dance n graff to have conversations in here. the combination of broken english and pure gayness should be enough comedy to propel our crew to stardom. see, i've got it all planned.
  3. http://img34.photobucket.com/albums/v102/gooose/knitebats.jpg'>
  4. what up homie??? u the first official member! you can be VP!
  5. KNIGHTBATS. join me or die. the nightowls are over. admit it. there aren't really any original members left are there? all good things must come to an end. and all good things that come to an end must get imitated in an attempt to ride the coattails of former glory, and goddamnit, that's what i'm doing. why do i want to be a KNIGHTBAT, you ask? well here's a list: 1- we spell "KNIGHT" with a "K", a la Knight Rider, and that's just awesome. that's all i got on the list so far, but maybe i'll think of something else later. how can i become a KNIGHTBAT, you ask? i don't know. forget it. this was a really stupid idea. someone please post a pic of a hot girl or something and save this thread from pure gheyness. LONG LIVE THE KNIGHTBATS!
  6. absolutely. you could get a better than decent crib in a better than decent suburb in the states for 300k.
  7. something about chicks talking about arson really turns me on. grr.
  8. http://img34.photobucket.com/albums/v102/gooose/explorers.jpg'>
  9. acne? check. body hair? check. fat? check. velcro shoes? i wish.
  10. homolock? don't worry buddy, you definitely got it locked.:lol:
  11. i love how bees die when they sting you, but they're just like, "fuck it, it's worth it just to ruin your fucking day!". fuckin bad ass.
  12. you need to be a little more careful with a name like meateater.
  13. :lol: i went to fashion school for 5 years, surrounded by homos. my gaydar is just on point.
  14. i wouldn't call ya crazy, i'd just call you ghey.
  15. :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
  16. duh-rye-won


    rode in a rickshaw for an hour and a half yesterday. felt great. -HONG KONG DRIFTO
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