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Everything posted by duh-rye-won

  1. nah not hatin, i'm just lookin for somethin i don't know abuot. that stuff is all gravy.
  2. not sure. i'm technically computer retarded. jesus christ i fucking hate greg nice. how many beatnuts tracks can this guy ruin.
  3. yeah kamachi is dope. he's on a couple jedi mind trick tracks right? i think i'm thinkin of the right dude.
  4. yeah limewire is free. it's like kazaa i guess. but i use macs, so it's the best program for macs i think.
  5. love portishead. such good beats and she has a pretty voice. that is great music for laying pipe. romantic pipe. anyone ever hear of jojo pelligrino? he's a friend of a friend. italian kid from staten island. he's pretty fuckin nice.
  6. i listen to everything too. metal punk old school hardcore rock and roll hip hop whatever. sometimes i even get dangerously close to things that could be considered emo. (please don't tell anyone) but at the moment i'm looking for some good hip hop. deto, i'm feelin the big & rich shit. makes me want to drink beer and call girls broads and shoot pool and get into a fistfight. i can do without the texas hip hop at the end. a little too silly for me.
  7. gliks, how can you hate mf doom??? actually, i understand, you don't smoke weed. you like music that makes you want to merk people.
  8. cracksmoke, any more recommendations? anyone? i'm gettin my limewire on big time in the office this mornin. fuck workin on a saturday.
  9. no, not DJ shadow.... it's different... shit i suck. cracksmoke... live and let die is the freshness. can't find any to download tho... i got a lot of 456 and the other one, i think it's just titled kool g rap and dj polo. i met kool g rap once in bushwick. he was very nice.
  10. need some help. can anyone recommend some good mellow breakbeats? i don't really know how to classify these beats, but i've heard them before and i love it and i can't fuckin remember what it is exactly. i guess they are breakbeats, but kind of ambient and hip hop ish.... did that make ANY sense?
  11. oh and some j-zone too. that cat is fucking hysterical.
  12. i just downloaded some good hip hop. -lots of MF doom. -cormega - verbal graffiti (holy fuck yes this is what gangster shit SHOULD sound like. this track makes me want to punch someone in the head) -sabac, necro, ill bill stuff- (some corny, some cool) -old kool g rapp, big L, marley marl etc. -some new beatnuts shit! i love these guys. -edan. hehehehe this kids a funny motherfucker and he's got crazy skills. some other goodies. i <3 limewire. yo bats, easy on the non-bats. we welcome all with open arms (wings). every person you dis and turn away could've been someone who would've posted naked pics of their sister.
  13. it doesn't matter how old you are. move to hong kong and i'll make you a woman. sorry bout that why write.
  14. this morning on the train to work i started freestyling to myself. not out loud, just mentally. i was so dope and on point. i was like busting out big ass vocabulary words and shit and the flow couldn't be stopped. and THAT is the most interesting thing i can think of that has happened in my life in the last 24 hours. if i was a superhero i'd go all city. word to mohamed.
  15. i had a amazing drunk and stoned sex last night. like when you're so completely fucked up and retarded that you don't even know where the hell you are, but you know that your weiner is touching something really nice. i don't have any cool sketches or flix to contribute to our knightbat art gallery of funnk, and i'm pretty bummed out about it. but here's a logo i just finished designing at work.
  16. damn i been too busy to stop by, but the knightbat thread has never been better. dope to see people painting, sketching and doin shit. savior tge! hot damn, mucho respecto. works been hectic. busy as fuck. deadline is about 6 weeks away so i'm not buggin yet, just workin hard and crackin the whip on bitches. i got no funk to contribute. not a drawing, not a flic, not even an interesting story. oh, i just finished watchin season 1 of 6 ft under. that show is fucking intense. right up there were sopranos for sure. so that been like the most interesting thing in my life lately. great. effyoo- was i talkin to you about James Clavell? i just picked up King Rat, pretty fuckin dope man. dudes are breeding rats in prison and selling the meat! true fuckin entrepeneurs. hahaha. and i'm out.
  17. i got TEARED up last night. i have a hangover and this girlecho bitches comments are irritating me. i renewed my contract in hongkong, so i won't be movin home any time soon. got a nice little raise and got the boss to agree to send me to new york on business 4 times in the next year. i'm happy. fuck america. i'll let you sorry bastards worry abuot the morons in the white house for the next four years. last fortune cookie i cracked told me america's fucked. my friends spinning at a skate contest today, some pros are in town. maybe i'll have a fun afternoon. i think i have a new wall to paint on sunday too. maybe i'll have a good weekend. long ass week, i could use one. fatalist, so sorry about your dog. i just tipped my chinese buddhas rickshaw herbal green tea for him. sooks, shu shu's lookin adorable. gats, im totally down with a birthday celebration. fuck im hung over.
  18. yes, i think you got it right actually. don't front on dreideling and menorahing because that shit is FUN and you just don't know about it, alright?
  19. thats gross, dude. i was just playin. i'm jewish for god sakes. faggot.
  20. tri state area bats... 99% sure i'll be home for xmas. 100% sure i will be home for 2 weeks in february. a very knightbat xmas? a lonely hearts knightbat valentines day? yo mama. no. YO mama!.
  21. what the hell do you think you're doing??? how dare you!!! you disrespect me and the KB name by voicing these kinds of opinions. i'm furious. absolutely furious. you get time out for 15 minuts to go think long and hard about what you have just done. and when you get back, you're in for one hell of a god damned spanking. if you're lucky.
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