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Everything posted by steelchef

  1. Re: Don't Call it Frisco blaaaaahhhhhhhh fuckin blahhhhhhhhhh sf is the new ny when it comes to gossip bullshit talk allllll dayyyyy long shut the fuck up already
  2. Re: Don't Call it Frisco and bump jaya for putting in work all over the world and niggas still not recognising
  3. abno looka alike piece? try again. have you ever seen abno do a shitty scratch fill in with a satan star in the letters? and if he was biting the people he was painting with, (who happens to be abno and korea to the right of him) how come his piece looks nothing like the throwup abno did, or the crazy aggressive style korea does? sounds like you dont like prize, which means you should have just said that to begin with :D
  4. Re: Don't Call it Frisco holy shit that is one of the dopest sf pics i have ever seen... those busses werent in service, right? this was a scrap yard or something?
  5. Re: Don't Call it Frisco jade and jake tags like a motherfucker
  6. fuck this thread is too hot right now... cant keep up with you nerds
  7. Re: Don't Call it Frisco this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening
  8. ok baby, you look great. now suck my dick
  9. Re: ------->_REAL_L.A._GRAFF_<-------- bump the LA scene- one of the hardest cities to get over in. i mean REALLY get over in... FREE HOUR JONES.. locked up in the towers as i type this... yeah, and shout to the KOG homies, killin it. dreye the fuckin slept on pyschopath up EVERYWHERE
  10. goddamn paris! doing it how it needs to be done. aint no half steppin in this motherfucker... making me fall in love with graffiti all over again. anyone got any diego flcks?
  11. Re: Don't Call it Frisco MUD GUTS LIVES!!!!! steel is good too- talk about taking an akward ass name and coming up with some extremely murderous pieces
  12. see? thats whatsup right there. this summer is going to be ON
  13. Re: Don't Call it Frisco dont you know if you diss orfn a flock of bats and a pack of hungry waifs will coming knocking on your door at midnight, all googly eyed?
  14. Re: Don't Call it Frisco punk rock saved my life
  15. Re: Don't Call it Frisco hmmm.. jake and hero bite mque?
  16. Re: Don't Call it Frisco keep talking your made up bullshit cause you are giving him all the fame you dont want him to have. keep chit chatting. are your homies really that pathetic that they need you to come on here and make up stories to hype them up? you haters are jocking him worse than the people that like him by constantly having h i s n a m e all up in your gargglegargglegarggle MOUTH. get a fucking day job
  17. Re: Don't Call it Frisco sometimes thats what lots of drugs do for you
  18. Re: Don't Call it Frisco keep it going phunk!!! yehawwwwwww
  19. Re: Don't Call it Frisco that video sucks
  20. Re: Don't Call it Frisco yo black=hiphop its funny how you come on here saying there's too many jockers, but all you do is jock your tow homies AND abhor. get abhor's dick out your fucking mouth, and believe he never wrote abno, dumbfuck.
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