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Everything posted by B_As_In_Bot

  1. Re: ------->_REAL_L.A._GRAFF_<-------- Post up some ratzoh pics you bags.
  2. Boogs - How long has the SD feecees been at it? Theres an LA based feces. Mad stickers, correct spelling. Get more pix if you can. Im curious.
  3. http://api.ning.com/files/7u1eapyLI6ivfen*IzzjcLfyiUVbHfPU9Llrv07nwtpMdiLR45EL-N1kGi1Z6scMW*ZWjcQL77-p89tuHbqELOXQVdGHaQAt/Picture024.jpg If anybody knows who or where this is - Id like you PM me.
  4. heres the shortest answer I could come up with to elaborate on the previous posts about shooting fish inside of a barrel. What I forgot to mention is that its easy depending on where your from and what you know. If you stick out like sore thumb, then you will be suspected on doing things even when your innocent. Being an outsider in a different country will always make your missions that much more challenging. I was pulled over on a bike while riding near a busy highway merely for the fact t hat was a foreigner. If you cover your face, your chances of being suspected are lessened to an extent, but if your over 5'10 your will still stick out. Riding a moped/bike can make you appear shorter then you really are(sitting down), so that would be the ideal form or transport in a place where you want to keep a low profile. Graffiti in the country of japan revolves around the major cities, some are more liked then others. Shibuya had like a graffiti explosion to the point where somebody had rocked a solid blockbuster in the middle of town, im sure that before that all went down you could paint there anytime/anywhere and not catch too much flak if any. Kanagawa had its huge explosion and I would believe an entire decade of legit painting. Who cares? who cares to know who they are fucking with is the right question. Once you figure out exactly who and what you writing on and maybe pissing off you will be in world or graffiti shit related legal actions, the whole nine. Yes you will get taken in if you fowl up and get caught. If you not in an observant enough state to realize that your at risk for something you did then you can setting yourself for not so fun time. There is a need to be careful when you go out and paint, just not as great a need that you have in the states. You can relax and get crazy with it, just remind yourself that boundaries do actually exist, they may be invisible to you - but trust me, step outside of them and you will succumb to your own demise. If you write on the bullet train, you have really dissed the entire country and you will sought out to an a degree. the forensic teams will come and make plaster casts of your footprints, they may review security tapes. If you are an outsider who came into japan legally and they find a print or anything giving them your true identity, They will show up at the address you provide them in customs. Foreigners in japan are extremely easy to locate, much more so then their own citizens. Now if your a native of Japan and have that natural sneaky ninja side in your genetic make up, you have a really good chance at making it big into that graff scene. No matter how toy looking, your style will only progress into something that people have a hard time calling graffiti, but be more like art. If you have the intentions of severely messing up your life because you don't give a damn about what tomorrow looks like GO paint their trains. Just be sure that you slip and park directly in front of your point of entrance to the layup, make no attempt or effort at concealing your actions. Hitting things like striclty privately owned or abandoned properties is one of your safer bets if you wish to not make a big deal out of painting illegally. Spots that are located in the middle of nowhere, with heavy visual coverage are optimal for the piecing/productions. These spots are mainly found along rivers/expressways or other like surrounding that create a sanctuary type environment. Nobody ever gives a damn about the abandoned structures, unless there is an irate homeless guy who would prefer to stab you in order to be put in jail for 3 hots and a cot. Being in jail for graff is pointless in that country and they know it, but if they can get some money out the ordeal they will do whatever needs to be done. Since a lot of kids find it worthwhile to smoke illegal plants and do illegal writing or scribbling of meaningless characters they can get you on that too. the maryjane is considered a hard addictive drug, no joke. Stealing is even worse, and you do anything to anybody in a violent way, you deserve to get caught for that type of behavior - they take that extremely seriously. As for police taking bribes, only the young stupid rookie ones would go for the average bribe, perhaps not even someone whose an actual cop, but more along the lines of security guard or beach leader would accept that dough(somewhere around 20 bucks) A lot of the cops can tell when its more then graffiti or they see the beauty of the medium at work and appreciate it, they dont all have a vendetta to bust every writer in the country but they have to answer calls like all people in law enforcement they are told what to do and if they value their paycheck they wont let their own convictions interfere with getting food on the table. You would basically have to give them an offer a little more substantial to their paycheck, and a good cop still wouldnt take that. My advice to anybody out there roughin' it in JP, get down and crazy with the graff, speak the language and when jailtime rolls around youll be all set. Hot baths on a tight regiment/cold bentos/extra food and snacktime/24-7 hot tea, a toilet that has its own room w/ door, you can buy stuff if you have the money, journals/mangas, tasteful pornography, with full frontal shots - not explicit material. They devote a third of your day to smoking cigarettes, so if your about that filth, you can get filthy. Advice to those who want to get better at it and last the longest: stay off the big business properties. Dont tag anything you couldnt replace out of your own pocket. If your in a subway and and feel that you have to tag, hit the plastic trash bins. I know for a fact that certain rail companies do not see that a crime..to them its a garbage can that gets dirty - but it was designed for that type of thing..a few hours will go by - the maintenance guy will come by after being made aware of your writing and restore the surface back to normal. On the other hand, if you turn around and hit the fire escape door and get nailed doing that, youll will be expected to pay up to 300 american in damages. They may be nothing to some of you, but multiply that by how many tags you caught and do the math. If you were to show some restraint, and keep your big tagging to privately owned property you have a greater chance at not paying anything, some property owners will literally turn the blind eye to vandalism, either because they down know what it means, or they know other people look down on that activity. If you hit anything with JR logo or marking on it that is easily noticed or not so easily seen it will be documented and restored to its original condition, no matter how high or dangerous you get, they are ready to deal with it. Never under any circumstances should you desecrate the shines/temples, thats just asking for it, much in the way that trains get their attention .. ITs a national treasure, and it belongs to the rich and powerful japanese who condemn that loose form of expression. Shutters? Only if you can swing it, should you hit it. Some shutter store owners will ask that you paint over it or that you replace the whole deal and then some, other owners love that idea that you devoted such time and effort into decorating thier place of bussiness, they wouldnt wish to hurt you financially or otherwise, after all you did them a favor, at the furthest end of the shutter scale you have the happy owner who buys your paint and gives you 50 extra on the side/buys you lunch and your friends dinner, which in turn leads to other owners who ask that owner for your phone numbers. If you know what a brothel looks like, be sure to not insult those poeple with your writing, they could be connected and not all the welcoming towards your dumbass, the same thing goes with half of the tattoo parlors in that country, gangsters/pimps, possible adversaries. Tokyo is the largest and most popular and most aericanized of all the major cities, I dont suggest you try to get up anything substantial in that prefecture, I myslef have been ratted out out in public by vigilante xenophobic store owners, they will chase you and they will get the attention or the over-americanized hero boy that exists on those streets, approximately 1 per block. Once the property owner sees they have F'd your night up, they may not want to pursue it any further, as long as they see that your sorry and ignorant, but more so sorry for your actions they tend to shy away. Whatever and wherever you do it, always do it on the low-pro, keep your mouth shut, have a contact or 2 and enjoy the game. Japan is still the best graffiti playground Ive ever had the honor of visiting, see for yourself how far you can take things when your not putting it out on the street to be seen by all, but protected and enclosed to be viewed by a select few, other writers who know whats up. I certainly cant read all that in a effort to proofread it, so point out any confusing parts and I will make the facts more clear for you. You didnt hear it from me, but even the oldest jailhouses in JP look like club med in comparison to US/Mexico. If you do get the bust, come clean right away - no need to lie to JP police they love you, dont narc on anybody but yourself and be highly apologetic about this terrible misunderstanding, keep your head down and show some sincere regret, you will be cut loose in 48 hours.
  5. PEACEMAN is by far one the most talented writers to ever get down in JP, phil and fate/loot. NO CONTEST
  6. that sendai permission wall looks interesting. Bump nesk.
  7. Yep, if you can shoot fish in a barrel then you can get up in Japan. Its that easy. The only thing holding you back from getting up would be lack of paint/markers. http://api.ning.com/files/KkIr3XweuWa*NYb6VG5f0r6d9p6fILYBHZ4xkdTF8lHjkrH6sTd3H1yh0pdjRlE2/flashdriven187.jpg?width=450&height=600 http://api.ning.com/files/KkIr3XweuWbCQVPP9Rx-igxZnm*iwGZbF350UNZgYDLnNAG6ymVADG9OoOUAvhEu/flashdriven189.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/KkIr3XweuWb*I*V0COvafYs-S9*TJ6uZ8wfTm4JWFO6UEnd1zjIzotNqtpo5IoxN/flashdriven182.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/KkIr3XweuWag5mXjHcReCDUZqxyTk*7fUAncOhKw-LOFcHF5CBXhzG6MN8hujPci/flashdriven175.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/KkIr3XweuWYt*j6LdXg69jlAoz-ZEyN0yuNgH4oxTfvMCTLRM1DH9yoWuU3hxbmO/flashdriven166.jpg?width=450&height=600 http://api.ning.com/files/KkIr3XweuWbjAPUO-LJd0rXV-kMfAZXJZI2gpKVQigW*jX91lxhHPkMrDukvETFJ/flashdriven173.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/KkIr3XweuWaW7SeHjABO*iyjbNO3yiQqC5ndbn983PzdHltl7*h*o8Pr48-440TX/flashdriven163.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/KkIr3XweuWYoreO7VO3PiNhljQkPSqkFJyeZdqlIAwaoBl74ESbFntE7PHSgLY3g/flashdriven147.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/KkIr3XweuWacxh2-csr9xKkl*h4ETXcXCUILF*p-mjwFYRIFbvwaXJuM-Xh7X8RM/flashdriven145.jpg?width=737&height=173 http://api.ning.com/files/pJdo5G0vn3D6G3C4gIQfGdO6sKcE3HkazUpX3euI1QpA0*wlKqHYclVJ5B69snZd/flashdriven125.jpg?width=737&height=177 http://api.ning.com/files/fSemhCvYkMf63oL*59pBqGYMRGikHTNGj0TBgHvXOWSkLp8c74oc9*cJU2CO7jvT/flashdriven068.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/EeM-Xy0WCjWSYFeeAwWWQouCs9KIu-r28vaEglrJT41SycI6-uwWuLCA1UUEAHp9/flashdriven009.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/EeM-Xy0WCjW8TnAEf7Vn*Tdl156mOQ0hGKXou3ZBhL-Xqb0SyZTUAMukCcRdx6UF/flashdriven008.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/fSemhCvYkMdcy4VaUo75wGQM8WfwnzMEPGGb3dlQvEaGT-EKjMqLhcg7dUXyNtxY/flashdriven014.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/EeM-Xy0WCjXrIkgGqbtBYfrSTsKji40njVWaQ4nH-BNIcjpbeHGA0RHu3RFskgMT/flashdriven002.jpg?width=737&height=552
  8. Re: ------->_REAL_L.A._GRAFF_<-------- http://api.ning.com/files/fSemhCvYkMdCfTlVi*D5kKSvVrRL3iQLg0iyDNrAI0J80ZUhP-3rfysGuhx06Evd/flashdriven022.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/fSemhCvYkMfZTG5TVPDcUNkX7CfpjecscW-bDgtznNkycG*PuAFFDcrSkxYtSQT6/flashdriven019.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/EeM-Xy0WCjWLrzKSAmoY3*yU*cE-ux1O08JudL5HRcg9Ezx6eA5Lx-IjWMTQygLV/flashdriven010.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/6QhFY0-byRMX-sU54durioCvot4dC4Lum4Fa3gzsXW8kzXcwHEMvtLQlM*bz*wA3/ratshead.jpg.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/VX2X2xXbI4FBw8jkwKoLde-4vyRl8IS2v2VoX*jnSw0-R-haJgd22vxqFBFSmBTv6ubjM6Qco-Bq9mm052z3vuHtVRtiv144/wtf006.jpg?width=737&height=414 :scrambled:
  9. http://api.ning.com/files/pJdo5G0vn3D6SqoKK7tfyaBsNrX1JnZ0J*JyhDC5RKQnJMu-LV-aNkUtCOmh7GEO/flashdriven120.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/fSemhCvYkMdrGhEic9B1Eq8giAOQfyqqs7TTf28LgVnxUgEImRynsEG-bkykFGNB/flashdriven044.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/fSemhCvYkMfCnjpptlH9zL63qB8dVw90AvZ6mcuXvY6Nzlk9knYrPqy*Qk-XKnrY/flashdriven031.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/EeM-Xy0WCjVionzSOgM0a1huZflh9c0gwFCtU7zd9K5eg-TFFNuZl7mGO0cYquaU/flashdriven011.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://dingo.care2.com/pictures/c2c/galleries/cache/derivative/9/0/9044758.jpg
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  13. Re: ------->_REAL_L.A._GRAFF_<-------- http://api.ning.com/files/KkIr3XweuWaYUiJgxYZfrKRuxQIru12OF*zyNBJJao3Fn5yexwU7YNhMAf5T9nSl/flashdriven137.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/KkIr3XweuWYPg2m9I1OpMu4ZkNLyLl699JBEe8gzRLesn0ccWZef4TEsksfiS-EN/flashdriven143.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/KkIr3XweuWbsgwsgmuUWqRuRzsyJfpq4V47RdGPgQ6r6bSnZ-twsw4P6mdANBnLm/flashdriven138.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/KkIr3XweuWb--QX8sqI7V98RhOCH6q7txotSYJup5S8I*sCFG0kzqkJU41ElxkoU/flashdriven139.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/pJdo5G0vn3Cm*6vZL7xuoRa5Z99LbmkIxm4MMAE5YC2TWPiQHcFNHKNOPwRfW4BY/flashdriven132.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/pJdo5G0vn3BHXvY3pv20tDsLEzyCTc6NeG0Br4v-BrBZSRmdutYHSXNVoUiKUESc/flashdriven130.jpg?width=737&height=552 http://api.ning.com/files/pJdo5G0vn3DSttfsfex5xN57s17cRGJThgVqWgGV-mM0tsBcR-cBOa-gqGGoJXyx/flashdriven123.jpg?width=737&height=552
  14. optimist's work reminds me of pastime, way similar, yet no tthe same.
  15. Im not one to usually make requests but Id like to see some recent osaka street flix. Ive been told that the prefecture is trying to do something serious about the "graffiti problem" From what I know, it was on the news last month..Osaka wants to crack down like T-Town..
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