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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. prep= can always be found wearing over priced trendy clothing. Boys have blond and brown hair. 9 out of 10 preps are addicted to some type of pill. You can find them driving around in Brand new Ford Explorers. They usually have way to much pep in their step for any normal human being. They are the happiest of God's creatures put on earth to annoy me.
  2. well if this way of life includes but is not limited to: [*]sex with what ever girl is left [*]drinking lots of beer [*]putting preps and frat boys in their place [*]or [*]smoking cigarettes [/list=1] then im all about it.
  3. haha fuck that. I got about half way through the first page before i gave up. Not to say that ya'll dont have something interesting going on here. That is I'm not tryna jock ya'll or anything....I mean......I soooo wanna be down on the night owls team.:dazed:
  4. you know i've never come in here before. I think i will start reading from the begining to catch up on whats been going on. Holler
  5. back to the top :rolleyes: <--fight him...who the fuck are you rolling your eyes at?
  6. why the rabbit? He was always a sneaky ass thief the way i saw it. But he always got busted like a sucker at the end of the commercials.
  7. Alex Trebek. This one just came to mind and i have been thinkin about this for years. Why, you ask? Well let me tell you. The older he gets the more FOB he gets. He's a dubious, pesemistic, non descript cock sucker. He gets on my nerves the most out of any tv gameshow hosts. Please believe that i would like to put my foot like deep, deep, in his ass. What a son of a bitch. http://www.sheckymagazine.com/webart/alexhed.gif'> stop acting like you know all the answers bitch.
  8. but everyone you just mentioned is a bunch of busters. Murder inc? Its the murder inc Christmas carol album. Benzino should never be allowed to make another damn album or song again. Royce da 59...can get yoked
  9. zee fist boss, zee fist!! :D <----tattoos grill.
  10. im pretty sure i want to beat him down. I haven't heard from him in years but i think he is too cute for a man. He needs a broken nose or some structural damadge to his face of some sort. Tevin Campbell gets the smash face http://www.tvtome.com/images/people/17/5/79-98.jpg'>
  11. i promise i wouldnt think twice about killing you. have a nice day
  12. do you care if i decide for you? No? Terrific, i pick Kattan. Now tell me why.
  13. [professional courtesy]please lets keep mopping and sweeping of this thread to a minimum. I'm a dirty ass fuck.[/professional courtesy]
  14. its pretty self explanitory. It has to be some one famous. IF you could fight any famous person, who would it be and why? I think i would fight conan o'brian. He is a funny guy and i love his show but there is something deep down inside that makes me want to crush his head in. I think i could take his big red headed ass. http://www.sail-shearwater.com/images/Conan%20O'brian%20PHOTO%20copy.JPG'>
  15. i wont even front, id fuck up tevin campbell don't be fooled, id fuck him up http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/79-98.jpg'>
  16. yeah that was pogo ball or some shit like that. It only went a quarter the height of a pogo stick but the surface was so slick that if you came down at an angle you had a 9 in 10 chance of breaking your ankle. Hahaha
  17. ^^^HAHAHA.....i thought we werent going to bring that up again.
  18. hahaha but no one ever moved the rocks. kids would slide over em and fracture a rib then get up laugh and go down it again until black and blue ahhhhh the good old days where having fun meant gettin hurt
  19. flux capacitor= back to the future http://www.johncscifisite.com/newpics/flux.jpg'> ghost busters= Bill murray?
  20. Two words AMAZING DISCOVERIES if anyone could find pictures of mike levy and his nerdy sweaters, that would be great.
  21. http://www.blinddater.com/mem_pics/archive/e/e/ee4c58ca330f1a2197355d9b95b9040a/avengers.JPG'> You know i was thinkin....our kids are going to look back and see pokemon and ps2 as what was the shit when they were young. They'll be having this same conversation on 12 oz about 20 years from now. hahaha
  22. Haha ha SMALL WONDER!!! I remember in this one episode the robot girl and her brother got put in jail with a fake gang member to scare them because they did graffiti on a wall playing tic tac toe. When they went before the judge the robot girl started to repeat what the fake gang member was saying in jail. "Me and my brother started by robbing local liquor stores" and shit like this. The family was always trying to convinvce every one that she was a real person. That show was fuckin awesome. Proprs to garcia vega
  23. The Bullshit you love to hate http://wishbear.net/meet/trueheartbear.jpg'> http://www.afunk.com/mypony/pictures/004.gif'>
  24. CENTURIONS I had to make a reply dedicated strictly to them cuz they are so rad http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Stadium/5838/centurions/show/show7.jpg'> note the holes in armor for accessories http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Stadium/5838/centurions/show/show9.jpg'> POWER EXTREME http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Stadium/5838/centurions/merchandise/ace.gif'> ACE McCLOUD http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Stadium/5838/centurions/merchandise/jake.gif'> JAKE ROCKWELL http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Stadium/5838/centurions/merchandise/max.gif'> MAX RAY http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Stadium/5838/centurions/merchandise/puzzle.gif'> Again note the holes for mad accessories on another note these were the shit'>
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