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Ski Mask

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Everything posted by Ski Mask

  1. I missed that first time around. you are one lucky sonuvabitch. Leica is $$$$$$$$$$$ :eek: :king:
  2. I beg to differ. I use a finepix 2300 for all my digital shooting. Its got good batery life, and has survived being thrown over a large fence into the mud without any damage. 0 complains here.
  3. picked up the paper today, and one of my shots was being used to advertise the photography school I'm taking a class at. :cool: I just figured it was going in the course catalogue. nice suprise.
  4. for slides I'm using sensia 400, but the print stuff is mostly generic or konica 400iso. I did a bit of 800, and 200, but the vast bulk of shooting is with 400.
  5. that ones a bit of a cheat. its a shot from my digi that has the standard pre-set modes. I set it to "no flash" so it takes a longer exposure, and voila! the trick is keeping the camera steady against the window of the car as its moving.
  6. shit. sometimes I feel like this should be renamed the "massage ese's fragile ego" thread. glad people like it. heres some more random junk. http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/slides/yard.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/slides/woodchip.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/slides/vertbldg.jpg'> these next 4 are scanned prints from slides, so pardon the fucked up retarded colors. http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/slides/ambulance.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/slides/fisheye.jpg'> self-portrait I guess. fisheye without the fisheye http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/slides/marblesky.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/slides/shadow.jpg'>
  7. I got two hours darkroom time booked for tuesday before class. I'll try and make two 8x10s so I can hook you both up. I still need to email both of you. I'll get to it in a bit...
  8. color jammys http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/photo/bigsky.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/photo/verticalsky.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/photo/makelove.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/photo/smoker.jpg'>
  9. things I've been meaning to post. b+w then color 8x10s done in class this week: http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/photo/lightstreak.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/photo/rails.jpg'> 5X5 holga prints that I had to rescan. I'm only just shooting my second roll now. got lazy. forgot how dope it is... http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/photo/dumpsters.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/photo/choclatehouse.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/photo/chinatown.jpg'>
  10. shameless plug for my favorite photographer of the moment: http://www.toddhido.com ALL TODD HIDO PHOTOS NOT MINE. http://www.kemperart.org/pics/img/exhibition/hido_UT2_lg.jpg'> http://www.sanfranciscoartmagazine.com/2001/august/hido/th139-300.jpg'> http://www.wirtzgallery.com/exhibitions/2001/exhibitions_2001_07/images/th110.jpg'> http://www.wirtzgallery.com/exhibitions/2001/exhibitions_2001_07/images/th143.jpg'> rage: I'm on at work on my break right now, so I'll swap details with you later tonight if you wanna drop me an email.
  11. alright. flash of inspiration. fuck sticker trading, lets trade photos. whos down? 4x6, 5x7, 8x10, whatever floats your boat. I know I can think of a few people who's prints I wouldn't mind having to put on my wall... As far as my shit goes, I'd only really be able to trade lab prints. dont have enough spare darkroom time to get busy on larger stuff. but some people might get blessed if they're intrested ;) who's down? nothingbutfreights@hotmail.com
  12. yeah. so I finally got my first taste of the darkroom. hooooooooooooo boy. my addiction to photography is now AA worthy. Walked out of class and booked the first chunk of darkroom time they had available without hesitating. too bad its 13 days away. You'll see the results soon after, I assure you.
  13. just to keep it moving. repeats from some of my older threads. http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/12ozphoto2/flyback.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/12ozphoto2/tundra.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/12ozphoto2/ambulances.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/12ozphoto2/shoes.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/12ozphoto2/snowchute.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/12ozphoto2/hangingfloors.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/12ozphoto2/rooftoprubble.jpg'>
  14. this evening is off to a good start. pitstop to drop off my valuables. http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/orb/bussunset.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/orb/treessky.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/orb/sunsetmountains.jpg'>
  15. proofs from some class stuff. pardon my increasingly filthy scanner. http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/orb/zoomexplode.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/orb/solidband.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/orb/lightchunk.jpg'>
  16. http://mywebpages.comcast.net/davechad/images/eclogo.jpg'>
  17. a little late, but can I still email you some stuff? totally forgot till today...
  18. http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/photo2/gardenwall.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/photo2/yellowpjs.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/photo2/russian.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/photo2/wallpattern.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/photo2/filthydumpster.jpg'> http://www.nothingbutfreights.com/12oz/photo2/junkydoll.jpg'> I was thinking of doing a "things are tough all over" post, till I saw this. that doll creeped the fuck outta me. the location and pose resemble so many of the passed out junkies I see in the alleys in my neighbourhood. forgotten and discarded.
  19. dont wanna drop the closeups on the net, but you get a taste. http://members.shaw.ca/twelveozpics/munibusfencesmall.jpg'>
  20. Ski Mask

    Yard Safety

    another fucking idiot from the city I just left. Makes me wonder if it was suicide.... Tuesday, September 03, 2002 WINNIPEG -- One man is dead after two freight trains smashed into his vehicle yesterday, which was sliced in half, and dragged the wreckage almost five kilometres. Emergency crews had to pry the victim's remains from a jagged tangle of metal wedged under a grain hopper car along the south Winnipeg rail line. Police say they were able to salvage a licence plate, but had not yet identified the driver. They could not determine the make of car. Traffic had stopped at the crossing for a 110-car westbound freight train. The barrier arms were down, signal lights were flashing and the train had already entered the crossing when the man drove past several vehicles already stopped, crashed through the barriers and was hit by the first train. The car spun and was wedged into the wheels and underside of a grain hopper car. The train continued moving west, its crew unaware of the deadly crash, until an eastbound freight train sliced off the protruding back half of the car.
  21. Ski Mask

    Yard Safety

    another depressing cover story on the paper this morning. a 9 year old girl on a bike tried to beat the train at a controlled crossing and got dragged a good distance and had her foot severed. She's lucky to be alive. Shit happens all the time out here it seems...
  22. Ski Mask

    Yard Safety

    ok, that crossing I was talking about at the top of the page....guess what was in the paper today? not a pedestrian, but some idiot in a van tryed to beat the train, which according to the guy behind him was "right there, theres no way he could have made it" and eneded up getting hospitalized after the train mashed the fuck out of the back end of his van. stupid motherfucker.
  23. Ski Mask

    Yard Safety

    witnessed more line crossing stupidity today. While watching a line at a neighborhood shortcut it slowed to a stop. The section in front of me was about 8 or 9 long wood decked flats with the old looking vertical brakewheels at the end. Very unsafe for climbing over cause above the stirrup is only one hold at waist level, meaning you gotta lean over on to the deck to get up. While I was looking down the line to see the signal (two track, both were double reds) out of nowhere this 8-9 year old kid pops up and scurries over the car. Stupid, but I dont expect much more from kids that age. Then from the side I'm on some chick about 16 walks past me and starts very akwardly climbing onto the flat. Now, from this side you cant see either direction of the other mainline track (2-track mainline) so even assuming she makes it over without the line starting up, she could be comming down on the other side to find a train flying towards her on the open track. stupid stupid stupid. I wasn't about to give lectures cause I could see the double reds, but I was tempted. Next time I will, cause even with those double reds the line still lurched to life when I wasn't expecting it. I saw the slack coming and plugged my ears (I was about 2 feet from the line) but it suprised me. Turns out I was looking at the closest signals, when the front end had already passed and was waiting on the next set. That being the case, the signals I could see would always be double red....and not a good judge of what the line will do. stay safe
  24. Ski Mask

    Yard Safety

    I just wanna stress this again....PLEASE BE CAREFUL. I watched about 18 people cross a stopped line over a 20 minute period the other day....I was certain I was about to watch somone get maimed. One girl about 13 crawled under real quick, and about 5 seconds after she did the whole line slammed into motion. She half looked back, but didnt seem the least bit bothered....I dont think she had any idea how fucking close she came to loosing a limb. Age is no restriction either...some middle aged guy crawled under a hopper with his fucking BIKE after waiting 2 minutes. And the scary part was they were slamming this line REAL HARD. I swear I thought I was going to see a coupler knuckle rip off in front of me....hardest slack action I've ever seen. be smart....be safe. stay alive....please....
  25. Ski Mask

    Yard Safety

    assaconda: dont sweat the remote control signs. The engines aren't unmaned, it just means that instead of a of a 2 or 3 man crew, theres a 1 or 2 man crew. The remote control device is a little beltpack controller. Its used for switching, so the engineer can get out of the cab, and control the engine from ground level to do switching moves. The engines that are equipped like that usually have some kind of rotating light on top thats used when the beltpac is in use, but thats not on all of them. bottom line is, stay away and out of sight of the engine and you'll be fine.
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