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wayne hits

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Posts posted by wayne hits

  1. just a guess, but i think 88, quaranta, magnum and i could out drink most of the people on here. not anything to be proud, just a guess.


    thats really cute and all, but i guarantee id outdrink the 4 of you.

  2. The swastika is a symbol that predates Christianity. It means good luck, not Nazi. Nazi conditioning techniques are so thorough aren't they? Reacting to the swastika with violence is exactly what the Nazi party adopted it for. So many sheep... Whoever thinks the swastika is a symbol of hate is a BRAINWASHED FOOL.


    Liberate ancient symbols and crush PBS special mind control.


    And learn how to use a fucking encyclopedia.



    i guarantee you would not walk around with a big swastika on your shirt.

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