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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Dirty_habiT

  1. Patented Last Reply On a Thread Until Someone Else Replies technology.
  2. I would think that drinking would make you ass out. I didn't reply to this thread just now.
  3. Dirty_habiT


    On video games, you can go that fast without drugs.
  4. Dirty_habiT


    Re: fixed-gear question freewheel hello.
  5. I wanna see that red dragon movie, it looks good, the website is bad ass.. www.reddragonmovie.com
  6. Dirty_habiT


    I'm sorry, it had to be done.... I even made myself a pad post, because I knew you'd repost after me..... man, I'm just too slick, don't hate me.
  7. Dirty_habiT


    dude, it's all about the chromoly.... don't go for anything less than 4130. Also, if you must have something lighter, aluminum is good, but I've seen aluminum frames break, they don't bend, or warp, they straight crack. also, if you really wanna go all out, buy titanium..... but if you're into BMX, get chromoly... bottom line.
  8. Dirty_habiT


    that was a pretty squirrely move I pulled, right pistol?
  9. the board is dead, not even the night owls can save this shit now, wale, are you one aim?
  10. that thing looks constipated. too much fiber too much fiber... hit the switches.
  11. Pistol: the man of many woes. Go to were your bed is, and yell. A good thing to yell is "fire," as the person/s sleeping will most likely always wake up and bolt for the door...... at which point you reclaim the spot that is yours. Now, before you do this, make sure you're ready to sleep..... you've taken your before bed urination trip... got a small drink... brushed your teeth.... taken your shoes off... etc.... If you do this, keep in mind that there is a possibility of being punched. But if you want your bed that bad it'll be worth it to you.
  12. nah, sorry deliss... I was just a little ignored.
  13. way to not look at the link I posted..... alien night jokes.
  14. You with your girl thing spread out the fact that as the alcoholic beverage it takes together in with me, only it wishes.
  15. My little brother pre ordered that game and we had it for like 3 days right after it came out...... when his GeForce2 GTS bit the dust. Now he has an old Banshee card in his comp. So we only got to scratch the surface of how cool that game really is..... needless to say we's a bit pissed, but he's gettin GeForce 5 soon. And it's not going to be the off brand ELSA version. ELSA went out of business so there is no way to redeem the value of the video cards warranty.... shite! Cool game... it is my firm belief, however, that it killed the video card with it's ill graphics.
  16. Jesus christ dude, you're raping all the threads.
  17. no no no no... not at you Vinyl..... deep breathes.... 10.... 9..... 7 ...... 6 .... .6 ..... 5 ...4 .333.... 2 .... 1.... ok... you feel better? That kid was the jackass. Maybe he thought he was too punk rock to adopt the the beliefs associated with "punk" lifestyle.
  18. Sorry for the multiple posts, but maybe that guy wasn't so "punk" after all.... who is the real jack ass now? :points finger:
  19. Preach it to them Brother Vinyl.... wooo... I read that whole thing. Good stuff, I'd like to hear what the reply was if there is any.
  20. http://www.fallenhope.com/images/display_size.jpg'>
  21. dude I know of a similar story.... there used to be this girl that'd hang around with the "cool" kids at school, anyway, she had this story about how she got cum in her eye. She told everyone like she was proud or something. Thus, we started calling her Golden Eye.
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