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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Dirty_habiT

  1. Stare into the Alien Night Owl icon's eyes... I think you should do some series of very difficult and nearly impossible to complete tests. If by chance you can meet these requirments, only then will you truly be a Night Owl. If you are a Night Owl you already know.
  2. No. Krie mocked me. He's on Dirty's Shit List.
  3. Get the fuck out you idiot.... who the fuck do you think you are? No shut up, I don't care... leave. http://jon.jbagroup.net/pix/shutup.gif'>
  4. haha 11 that morning.... you mean 11 almost that noon.
  5. yaryaryaryary, that was a good one matey.... HOOOO!!!
  6. hahaha. Wale's got an injury right now. I think he fucked up his ankle.... something like that. Anyway, I'm off to bed. G'night Owls.
  7. Well, if you are gonna make your way to Dallas at all, be sure to rattle my chain.... I'm pretty familiar with this area now, so I could show you around.
  8. Hey Vinyl.... I dunno if you can mail beer, but I was thinking about you the other day.... someday I'm gonna send you some LoneStars.
  9. 4:53AM, I'm gonna go ahead and clock out after these last couple of threads. (no this is not my signature move where I come back in a couple minutes and tell you I didn't really go to bed.) G'night Owls.
  10. check which directory you have set to save the downloads. I moved directories around on my computer and afterwards soulseek didn't like it because the save folder wasn't in the same spot.
  11. I too have checked the "www.12ozprophets.com" website before. I think this one is better though.
  12. Yeah, I know it was funny. Have fun in the other threads, thanks for leaving too.
  13. There's a reason why you're not a Night Owl. Now, push off son.
  14. someone's really bored.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  15. hahaha.... where do these people come from, and who do they think they are?
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