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12oz Original
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Everything posted by Dirty_habiT

  1. gross. When: you asked me the other night how far Dallas is from Houston, I believe it's about 4 hour drive more or less depending on how fast you drive. I just got in from working... 6AM, goodnight, or morning whatever.
  2. Man I worked 3PM yesterday till 4:30AM this morning. My job sucks, but $$$....good night Owls, or good morning, whatever.
  3. Is the phrase "big ass booty" a double-positive?
  4. Payroll never left, he's the one that's been stirring a ruckus with all the "new" names. He just made one that you'd recognise him by.
  5. freenet, that sounds familiar, I believe it was a java based file sharing client.... and if I remember correctly it was crap.... just use www.slsk.org.... the chat room there has about 12 regulars that always stay in the room. And if you're bent on getting freenet, I *believe* I found it by searching on www.sourceforge.net.... anyway, this time I really am off to bed, unless there's a good reply in this last refresh I'm gonna do of Ch0...... Peace....
  6. grrr.... if it wasn't for that three word reply and that dog and those meddling kids... :shakes fist:
  7. So I get 3 posts in a row, you slackers... goodnight.
  8. You're vagina walks it's dog's vagina using a leash. The vagina's dog's vagina smells and licks cat's vaginas. I'm stupid.
  9. nah, 455's a traitor... I'm not a fan of The Wastoids.... I mean, it's cool and all and some of my homies are in there, but I see nothing good about glamorizing the fact that you're drunk all the time.
  10. It'd be ideal if this thread isn't gayed out by gay words and gay name calling/ mass smiley posting. I saw you all talking about some gay stuff up there.... this is the Night Owls, not the NIP.... fucking stop with the homosexual references.... that thread is over there.... :points:
  11. Whoa whoa whoa, don't bring me into this. I will have no part to do with any man's wet vagina.... even your's When.
  12. Damnit, I miss jades, and she IM'd me, now she's not on.
  13. I'm glad we have some newer members. Anyway, it's 6:17 AM, I'm clocking out.... Good NightOwls....
  14. where's the new members? Even the Dirty Owl needs rest.... goodnight.
  15. Deliss is not a whore, she's a geezer lover.:)
  16. It does it does.... haha, do you see this chopper idiot? He thinks he knows who I am. Anyway, I'm off for the day... take care everyone.
  17. haha, yeah, I've got a full time job now. I've always been working but it's been small contract labor jobs here and there. This job's supposed to span over a 5 week period.... I worked 12 hours yesterday, 10 the day before, and it won't surprise me if I have to work 12 again today. edit: and good morning Alure.
  18. Peace Owls. Hahaha, well I'm goin to sleep. And, I guess I give Ragsoe my vote. :yawn:
  19. Haha, Vinyl she wants to be friends then, I dunno. Or, she could want you to cut the crap and marry her. You won't know unless you _______. *^ that is the sun setting next to a hill.... Night Owl Hill.
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