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Everything posted by Devilush

  1. Devilush


    by the way... congrats!!! ALKALINE-SERVICE MANAGER
  2. Devilush


    cinnamon!! holy shit...i havent checked this thread in like years now. edited because i read this thread just now.....i'm am totally sorry that i didnt check this thread earlier. i knew that you'd be in town but i erased your email message. i'm sorry...i feel all bad. next time your in town, i owe you like 5 beers...okay? did you get to meet up with dibs? did you get to berkeley just fine from the airport? my hubby is going away for the memorial holiday for the portland bike messenger race. is anyone going? geez, if you are....good luck. i heard the sf cutters have a bad reputation for being assholes. but my hubby is good. he's a nice guy. i wont be going unfortunately. but i will be going to the world's in seattle.
  3. die you fucking faggot!!! die!!! (that wasnt towards anyone. i just wanted to chime in the little club here)http://images.amazon.com/images/P/1555834965.01.MZZZZZZZ.jpg'>
  4. of course i do. but i wouldnt wanna do them on stickers. i just feel that characters look better on stickers...especially if they are all detail oriented.
  5. ^^actually, please do email me at shortcutszine@yahoo.com i forget sometimes so it would help me out if you email me. thanks.
  6. not sure if i posted here or not... but imma post my stickers anyways. these are old. i didnt feel like posting the new ones. and i had to smudge out the names that were on the labels to protect the identities. http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00291280f00000035.jpg'> http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00291280f00000036.jpg'>
  7. Devilush


    SF Cutters Jacket he did all of it...i helped on the letters. we need to redo the logo. it was worn for stuporbowl in minneapolis. http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00291280f00000025.jpg'>
  8. Devilush


    oooooooooh noooo joker is going to be DFL (dead fucking last). i'm kidding dude, you'll do fine. i'm sure of it. :)
  9. Devilush


    whoa!! thats dope cinnamon! congratulations.....well i mean congratulations when he writes you back :)
  10. Devilush


    ^^north face!! but then again, i've never biked in the winter out where its snowing and all.
  11. Devilush


    well i'll be damned if the night owls thread got saved and this didnt.
  12. Devilush


    ^^nice! legs will hurt but you'll get used to it. what i havent gotten used to is hearing my knees make a sound. yikes.
  13. Devilush


    you're cute too. he he heheheheh
  14. Devilush


    after christmas, we're planning a bike ride to sonoma country or napa valley if anyone is interested. i would do a stonecutters shirt for the women. like, little baby tees with my characters on it and maybe under the character it would say "stonecutters" in cursive on the bottom. sooo girly. :o
  15. Devilush


    heck yes he does. i went to the haight (bleh) yesterday and we went into redfive and saw that giant box. aaand a black and white giant shirt with his tat characters for $15. you bet the kids went craaaazy on that shit.
  16. Devilush


    of course i wouldnt expect it for free. my homie is good friends with him and i guess that giant liked him so much that he did a jean jacket for him. it looked so dope. alkaline....i believe it. :)
  17. Devilush


    i say yes on a tee shirt as well. for some reason, i think giant should do it. that would be hotness.
  18. Devilush


    ^^ its okay...you wouldnt understand just like i dont understand why you hate on pgw. :)
  19. Devilush


    alkaline unfortunately we wont be able to make it to texas buuut a bunch of the sf cutters are going. instead i bought him tickets to stuporbowl in minneapolis if anyone is going there. hahah hesh met the sf cutters and says that they look scraggly. hahaha they do. i'm not sure who exactly is going but i think they left today. they are all craaaaaazy i tell ya. but fun to hang out with so i suggest you do that.:)
  20. Devilush


    anyone going to stuperbowl in minneaplois?
  21. you guys should have some funny flick battle.
  22. Devilush


    hey hesh love.... email me the bike shop that you work at. **** just bought a frame frome someone who messenger's in your city. it's a frame that seems to be rare. so you might know dude.
  23. Devilush


    bizzumpity http://www.loficustoms.com/shirt_Photos/photos/fixie_panty.jpg'>
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