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Everything posted by Devilush

  1. awww man you know how much i love chiken adobo. we always order (since i dont live at home anymore and i can't cook it) it when we order from goldilocks. but i'm not a fob. hahahahaha. lovin it. man i wish i was there. next time you come up, you have to, have to make sure that you see me so you can cook me some of that. man i wish i was there.
  2. when one....i really dont like premade cookies. i dunno why. i bake my own cookies so that's prolly why i dont like the taste of premade ones. everyone can come over for some warm chocolate cookies if you want!!
  3. oooooo you remind me of my boyfriend. like i mentioned, you have the same body like him. i love skinny guys that are muscular at the same time. sooooo sexy. now show me your face....although i already know how you look like :love2: :love: :love2: uhhhh ohhhh...so i have full acess eh? ;) :eek: :idea: oh yea! i did watch that thing on mtv about the marijuana use. did you guys see the girl (dealer) that was wearing pink on the track bike? that was the high point of it to me. the girl on the track bike.
  4. duuuuuude.... this thread has gotten so funny! first it's friggin zacko showing off his untouchable area with a beer bottle in front of it. every woman's dream. then its like kimchee. then it's like emo porn and girls that wanna make out. and then there is when one that is trying to figure out if he likes a certain cookie or not. i'm lovin it. btw, (for the guys that are thinking about shaving down there) my man shaves down there too. not all the way but he trims it so nicely that it is almost gone. it is the best. i like it a lot. no hair to get in the way...and more stuff that makes it better :crazy: :eek: ;) :)
  5. i am the supercrew!!! hahahaha :lol: shhhieeeeet....it's the stonecutters. but i'm not hatin on the people part of the night owl crew. i got made love for everyone!! humph...i guess i am juniour night crew. i'm getting old eh?
  6. so.....what is up with the night owl crew??? ;) i'm never up past like 12 but mr. abc might make some drunken phone calls to my house at like 3 in the morning. maybe i should get a job that will force me to be up that late...maybe i can be part of your crew.... :D :king: :crazy: :cool: :P
  7. man i wish i was up for some late night chatting with you guys. i guess i must be getting older because as soon as i get home, i hit the sak.
  8. Devilush


    About the Cutter's Ride whoever can make can make it. i know that whoever can make it, you are welcome to stay with us and i'll be cooking some breakfast for you. i would love if everyone can actually meet up and ride out here. it would be fun, but i do understand that people have other plans. i'm just saying it would be fun. on another note...since you guys are talking about heights and shit...i'm 4'11-5'0 and 110 pounds. this is why its so hard for me to find a good sized bike.:D
  9. Devilush


    ooo man..hesh does look like thta calvin klein model :idea:
  10. Devilush


    :lol: ya know....that is so true. he is so whiney when in comes to the cold. be prepared to kick his ass in the race, it will be easy no matter if he is or not drunk.
  11. Devilush


    to mr ardenchapman my man says to "shuuuuuuddddupppp.. i know where you live." oh yea...he's going to kick your ass in milwaukee.i didnt say that, he did. ;) watch out for those "mysterious" flats per hour. oh wait....i better beat him up for saying that because you're housing him out there. okay i'll tell him to shut up.
  12. Devilush


    i would say something...but....fuck....nevermind.:rolleyes: :mad:
  13. Devilush


    hey guys!! hey guys!! i hope you sont hate me for not posting so much. i'm so sorry. anyways, i just got on my new (well not brand spanking new) road converted fixed gear after like 6 months of retirement. man, i couldnt walk for like 4 days. i felt like a complete retard after that!! but i am on the bike once again and this time, no front breaks! yay for me. but i got some flicks. they are not the best flicks thats for sure, but i thought i would post them later on anyways. so be on the look out. alkaline...i think your bike just gave up on you! better take care of her!
  14. Devilush


    devilush is poor that makes three of us. i have been pulling my hair looking for a god damn job. and the only thing avaliable is in late feb. which i am taking it because its in a medical office. so what the hell. i hate contemplating where my next weeks funds are going to come from. its a damn good thing that I know how to cook, that saves a lot.
  15. Devilush


    yes yes as for one more thing.....i highly recommend the george forman grill. i am sooo hooked to it!!
  16. Devilush


    talk about hardcore okay so we get up about 4 in the morning to try to win this KHS bike. it comes complete with a set of drop bars, a set of pursuit bars, and a selli italia seat. mostly stock though. but there was someone else that really wanted that thing so we had to wake up to sit there and battle with the dude with the highest bids and whatnot. needless to say, with persistence, dedication, and precise timing, we won. :crazy: a diet?! we dont need no stinking diet!! okay, i will admit. i am on one too. but people are telling me that if i loose any more weight, i will magically disappear. i feel that if i cant climb the stairs without huffin and puffin, i need to get back into shape. but i dont have a diet supplement that i can provide info on. what i plan to do is run a lot (in which i ran a bit on friday, and nearly passed out but then this bum was watching me take off my sweatshirt and all hollering at me...so i ran away). and also i came to the conclusion, i love carbohydrates!! i love bread, potatoes, and rice. its my supplement of everyday. but then i realize that that is the one that is causing me to gain the weight. so i am cutting down on that too. i will miss it dearly. oh yea, 5 alarm has quit smoking as of jan.1,2002. whooo hoo! but now he's all edgy and a little less patient. damn, i guess i cant win everything.
  17. nah you're not a nerd at all!! if i was still in high school, my heart would be pitter-pattering. i used to like guys like you in high school. and i also wasnt the most popular girl in school. and didnt want to. i didnt wanna be voted prom queen (but i eventually became prom queen senior year...how ironic is that shit?), didnt wanna be a cheerleader, didnt wanna be some smart ass. i was just lil ole me in the back of the room who wore black all the time (yes kiddies, i was goth in the beginning of high school) and was on the high honor roll and got the art award for my senior class. not too shabby for a little asian goth girl eh?
  18. post girl post is not a big geek. and i am being honest here because she is really pretty, that explains why she is the heartbreaker! and honey, what girl isnt and wasnt an emotional wreck? (aaahhheeemmm...like your truly!!)
  19. Devilush


    i would post flicks, but i dont have a scanner. plus, all the pretty bikes are long gone from our collection. which reminds me since i dont have a job and all, i still need to get a new bike for the stonecutter ride. and to tell you the truth, i cant say anything bad about the weather here except for the rain which hasnt even affected me in any bit. nyah nah nyah nah! :crazy:
  20. Devilush


    oh no not you also!! 5alarm has been complaing about it all week and he's been telling me about you too. hope you got a knee brace cuz that shit will help. also, he and i took a long walk today and that helped him out as well.
  21. Devilush


    jewish, gosh you got that bike for mad cheap!!
  22. Devilush


    aw shit..... caught slippin on the 3rd page!
  23. Devilush


    aww tell her that he doesnt have that money either....credit, baby, just credit. awww....tell her i say "hello" by the way, she's one of the best girls that i know. and he is a real good man, too good.
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