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Everything posted by Devilush

  1. Devilush


    Oh Arden Chapman at first i didnt know who u were....but i did some research on the posts that u have replied to and voila!! there u are!! heehe it did happen on saturday. i mean, we're not getting married yet but i am considered officially taken. damn, how much i hate money. hahha i just realized how many people come over to our house and i dont even remember who comes over. damn, i must be tired. u are a superstar, best believe it!! ;) it would be good to have some brakes when you guys get here to sf. i cant do hills. oh well. but they are always fun to go down on...but i can be a pussbag....:eek:
  2. Devilush


    al...dont go to philly for a honeymoon!! go to europe or something. go on a cruise. somewhere so spectacular, that she will love it. so i got my christmas present the other day. i think hesh knows about it...i'm not sure. but 5alarm bought me a $2095 diamond platinum ring. i mean, we're getting married, no doubt about that. the funds just arent there to do our wedding just yet. but it's been 4 years of my life, and all worth everything. but this thing on my finger makes me all nervous and makes me feel like a princess. i started to cry and hyperventalate in the jewelry store. gosh so emotional i can turn out to be. :love2:
  3. Devilush


    bags bags i know some guy that made his own bags. you've prolly heard of zoe bags. i've never used one, but since he was a messenger, it was supposedly to benefit their use of it. if i had to make my own bag. i would make it as comfortable as it can for the ladies. carrying a bunch of crap in a bag that is supposed to go over our chests really hurt like a bitch. so i prolly would make a bag that is safe for the women. i dunno how to go about it other than the bag that looks like a huge backpack...you've prolly seen those. those look huge, which is a benefit too. but something along the lines of reloads. and yes more pockets to keep shit in. but the pockets have to have easy access too. instead of opening the flap in order to get something. i dunno, my thought as well.
  4. Devilush


    the reload bag should be a lot more easier for messengers to use. i am guessing that it is easier for the person to take off the bag and put in on as well as load the packages into the bag. plus they are bigger and hold so much more crap.
  5. Devilush


    actually boxcar and the law.. i really do like the rain. and trust me, i know the shit that you guys are going through. its not like i lived here in sf all my life. phhhhhuuuuleeeessseeeee. i lived in chicago all my life. so i know how it is to fall in a puddle of dirty snow that was starting to melt. or to get frostbitten because it is like below zero and walking home from school all soaking wet in the freezing cold because some car wasnt careful enough not to hit me with some water:D. i know how it is. here in sf i am quite spoiled, i do admit. but i can say that i love the rain with some other experiences.
  6. Devilush


    fuck that...the rain doesnt bother me at all. i fucking was standing at the bus stop yesterday, and this car was speeding past me and wet my brown pants. which is all good because it's just water. and last week, i was standing at market and a busy intersection when i went to go cross the street and low and behold, the puddle decides to be slippery. so there i go feet first and *bam*...i hit the floor with my north face bag hittin the puddle. this man helped me up...but he really wanted to call the ambulance just in case if my dome got fucked with. sorry, i know this doesnt pertain to bikes. but i really cant complain about the rain. i kinda like it. just rememer: its just water, it'll dry off. **too bad for the people that have to work in it...<ahem> my boyfriend.
  7. Devilush


    size counts well a quesstimate would prolly be a 52. but different companies make their bikes differently, and measure the bike by either center to center or center to top.
  8. Devilush


    Congrats Alkaline!! hey guy!! congratulations!! woooow the big commitment. good luck to you and the mrs. july sounds so good to me also. so please, can we make it at that? fuck that job that you have alkaline. but you know, it is inevitable with all the usage. they catch on eventually. my job didn't catch on, cuz i'm slick like that (j/k).;) anyways, anymore input???
  9. Devilush


    Bad News aw guys here it comes. i have some bad news about the stonecutter ride. it looks like i can't make it happen. i mean you guys can definitely make it happen, but i just won't be able to go with you guys and enjoy the fun on the stonecutties. it looks like i have discovered that i have classes on the preferred dates. and the only dates that are open for me are : april 12-23 and july 9-20. soooooo, you guys are still welcome to stay here at the dates that i have listed before. i just wont be able to come. but i can still cook breakfast and what not, so that is a plus. so just let me know on some input.
  10. Devilush


    to tears: tears.....change back wheel, take off all the brakes, take off the derailers, convert cranks to one speed by taking the second ring off, then get a track back wheel. i think that's basically it.
  11. Devilush


    hello yellow woooooow 21 pages like fucking whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry i havent been around but shit just happend and i am rarely on the net. here's the lowdown, yo :crazy: well they closed down hifiart.com, the only website that i was moderator on. oh well. i got laid off. it's okay!!! i'm over it, plus this means that i can find a better job. i just turned 22 on saturday! happy birthday to me...my boyfriend threw me a surprise birthday party (of course with a woman's intuition, i knew there was going to be one). there were bike messengers and writers at the party. ahhh i felt so elite! trackie yackies and blackbooks. i have flicks but i'm not sure if you guys would like to see them. my hair is officially a hint of red. it looks good. and i havent been on my bike for months!!! dont hate me. i still hold down the stonecutties. 5ALARM broke his cinelli cuz he rode it too hard. any suggestions as to if cinelli will take it back to re-tube it? and if not, you guys know any places that they can re-tube it? he still has a back up pimpin bike, jewish task force knows about it. i've also been searching for a new track frame. it's especially hard for me to find one cuz i am a 43-45 depending on the manufacturer. so if you guys see anything in ebay, let me know. gotta bid on that shit! and no road frames cuz i dont wanna convert it. hmmmm....i dont have any bike stealing stories to tell ya guys bt there was thsi one time, i was standing at my atm and a bunch of messengers flew passed by. luckily, this one guy stopped cuz he noticed that i was there. some dude, took one of the messengers wheels. fucking idiot. oh and one time at band camp......hehheeh one time some messengers seen this one guy that they've never seen before ride a red cinelli. now there are only like 3 people in the city that have that bike. so they thought that they stole my boyfriends bike. they were after his ass for a while until they saw my boyfriend ride up with his bike. moral of the story? dont steal any bikes from messenger's cuz they watch eachothers backs. <whew> alright, i will be here more often from now on.:king:
  12. Devilush


    Stone Cutter Ride Plans 16 pages like whoa . and bumping this up from the second page. okay well, hesh and i were talking (all shit talk about you guys....just playin :crazy: ). and we figured that the ride would be best in may, the week of the 19th to the 25th. But everyone should be arriving in sf about the 17th, because on the 20th, we start riding. Now, I have a cat. so if you are allergic, just beware. he's a nice cat too, acts a little loco sometimes, but all in all, he is my baby. if any of you guys have any questions, just email me at devilush_hiss@hotmail.com and my aim name is pablografkat. oooooorrrrr, you can talk to heshy through aim heshrock or email him at boxcarmonster@yahoo.com. oh yea, i would like to know who is coming too. so i can plan accordingly, or try to. ;) oh and one more thing, make sure that you are over 21. ;)
  13. Devilush


    checkin in..... okay i forgot to check in i guess :confused: .... but i haven't been doing much really. just talking to hesh like everyday now. he knows he loves us :P . was almost single. 5ALARM and i were having some problems big time :(, but now we're all good. sucks how relationships go sometimes. but i'm glad that we cleared the water. a kitten that followed me to work everyday, died :(. and i was gonna bring him home the day that i discovered his body. will make the single speed a pimping ride soon enough :king:. put the track bike up for early retirement. and i'm waiting for you guys to come here. whhhhhoooopppiiieeeeeeeee doooooooooo! :crazy: i love you all though!
  14. Devilush


    whoooooooooooaaaaaaaaa shit. i dunno if i can get used to this board. yay for hesh!!!! :king: he is a moderator! yay for me toooo! i am moderator at hifiart.com. so check me out putting people in their plces there too! okay i am too excited. oh yea! we are getting quicksilver soon and we're having a showing at our house for it. that shall be good.
  15. Devilush


    nordstroms like whoa. i worked there for a bit. it was good money and i didn't have to sell anything! ------------------ Stonecutters #1 **Short Cuts Issue #4**
  16. Devilush


    awww hesh good decision! good luck. i can't believe that you listened to mike outta all people. he's evil when it comes to spending. but good luck on that bike too. it was hot stuff. keep on his tail. do you have that url again hesh...of that khs? ------------------ Stonecutters #1
  17. Devilush


    no worries boxcarwilly. this isn't going to happen this year. i think that we are plannin it next year. so that would give all you guys some time to save some money. i care about ya. and straight edge is the way to go. ------------------ Stonecutters #1
  18. Devilush


    12 pages like whoa.... and where the hell has DIBS been. he's part of the SF team... ------------------ Stonecutters #1
  19. Devilush


    okay al...hahahaha. stonecutter travel agency this is d'lush, how can i help? (this call may be monitored for quality and training purposes).... yea there seems to be good parking spaces. but...i live in the heart of the city, downtown baby! i don't want to give too much detail as to where i live out here. but, would park here. there are meters and such and you wouldn't want to do that. no parking lots or anything around. i'll ask 5 ALARM. the best bet is to fly out here. but you'll need to pack your bike up and put them in huge boxes, i hope that wouldn't be any of a problem. just www.priceline.com and just pick your price. it's cheap. but gotta warn ya, no refunds if the flight gets cancelled. you'll be getting a voucher or maybe another flight out. but then again, a car woudl be great. we don't have a car out here. so it's most likely that we'll rent a car or just bike everywhere. so there are the pros and cons. i will ask 5 ALARM about the parking info and your choices around here. i hope that i have helped you with your travel needs and choices. thank you for calling the offical stonecutters travel agency. good bye. ------------------ Stonecutters #1
  20. Devilush


    ahhhhhh so i see that you guys have voted me as the official stoncutters travel agent eh? wonderful! i will have fun. i will start doing some reasearch for this. when is a good time for everyone? spring break? winter break may be too cold and rainy. and it will give you guys enough time to save some money too. and with school schedules, it would fit in perfectly. i'm not sure how hilly the wine country is. i will get back to you on that. the last time i went, i couldn't even reach to sit on a bar stool. so i will look into that. just give me a time estimate. ------------------ Stonecutters #1
  21. Devilush


    wonderful...then i guess we need boxcarwilly's opinion and we are set. don't worry about the hills, i still have to walk up them. i can't ride up them yet. i'm not that talented. but bombing them is fun. i think that i might get a brown surly track frame before you guys get up here. i'm thinking that i would want to rock the single speed. easy cruisin, no need to be in a hurry to get anywhere. **12:30 a minute of silence for the fallen. ------------------ Stonecutters #1
  22. Devilush


    hahahah i do cook a mean breakfast though! i can cook some meat if you'd like. you know you like bacon. but yay! how's everyone else's outlook on this... sf sf sf sf sf sf sf sf sf baby. ------------------ Stonecutters #1
  23. Devilush


    dibs, as a matter of fact we did get to go! our friend lives like a block away so he saved a bunch of rooms for the messengers and their girls. we were actually at fillmore and broadway. that steep hill. anyways, it was cool. i really enjoyed it, considering that we were drunk by 10 in the morning. but i think that some of the messengers are going to train for next year and have their team race. i especially liked the end when that postal service guy (#2) came out of no where and started sprinting up that tall hill, surpassing the saturn guys. pretty hardcore. what did you think? sf sf sf sf sf sf sf sf sf sf we can do it soon. it's doesnt snow here. ------------------ Stonecutters #1
  24. Devilush


    <<pablografkat if you guys are down to talk. sf sf sf sf sf we can do it anytime too...it doesn't snow here. ------------------ Stonecutters #1
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