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Sector actually posted good flicks. So the watermark was easily dismissed.


I knew this was coming. ..my flicks may be dark, but Vast, myloe, losy, nok all bad flicks??? Alll of sec's flicks were from back and the day, and granted endless respect for those writers that paved the way but come on guys this is 2011 not 95. Isn't there a classics Boston thread anyway? Half this thread is stuck in the past and just focus on hating on new writers while they are getting up and u guys arre sitting behind a comp... Obviously a lot of these new cats should prob learn some history before getting up, but give respect where its due. I've contributed more flicks to this site than most of u fools put together, and when I decide to watermark my shit all I hear is ppl complaining and hating. Get a fucking grip u morons and figure out that graff isn't about some piece posted on the internet but about the streets and those who are in them putting in work every day and risking there freedom...That's my word.

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I knew this was coming. ..my flicks may be dark, but Vast, myloe, losy, nok all bad flicks??? Alll of sec's flicks were from back and the day, and granted endless respect for those writers that paved the way but come on guys this is 2011 not 95. Isn't there a classics Boston thread anyway? Half this thread is stuck in the past and just focus on hating on new writers while they are getting up and u guys arre sitting behind a comp... Obviously a lot of these new cats should prob learn some history before getting up, but give respect where its due. I've contributed more flicks to this site than most of u fools put together, and when I decide to watermark my shit all I hear is ppl complaining and hating. Get a fucking grip u morons and figure out that graff isn't about some piece posted on the internet but about the streets and those who are in them putting in work every day and risking there freedom...That's my word.


I agree with some of what you say,but how can you talk shit about the past?id rather see old flicks then see,this bullshit new shit in boston.that makes mass look like straight shit.fuck these new jacks.:lol: :lol: :lol:

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