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T̺̟̹̰̳̺̟̪̫̺͎͓͕̙̲̜ͅI̤̤̮̩̯̬̰͉L͕͍̦̱̬̤͎͇̖̱͈͉̱̗͕ ̱͖̗̗̩̮̠͇̲̬̣̱̖̙̩̙̗̻N̜̲̥͔̝͓̱̺͇̼̥͔̣͖̩͙̮ͅḘ̹͓̥͎̰X͇̹͎̘̖̳̱̳̲̠̲̙̯̼̯̞̩T͎̬̤̠͎͇̦̹̬͕͍̯̟̩̭̩̫̟ͅ ̤͕̗͎̮̺͚̭̱͎T̳̟͎͖͙̞̦I̫̺̟̯͉̫̜̳̤̲͙͕̙̱̩̠͈̲M̤͓̪̖͎͇͈̲̱͚͓̰̗̝̱͔̮̙E̟̯̼̻̮̦͓̗̱̰̬̪̪̺̻̖ͅ ͓̯͍̤̺̺̙͈̤S̞̫̺̗̰̹̹̺͙͚͓̤͙Ṯ͎̱͚̘͚̟̯̤̪̥̯̰̩̦A͓̯͓̮̮Y͕͖͈͍͎̭͕͈̙ͅ ̜̣̰͖͓F̠͎̤̝͈̥̰̗̹̼̺̞̯̟͙̖O͉͈̫͇̱̠ͅG̞͚͎͇͎̯̳̬̣̣̙̝G̝̙̺̪̗̞̘͇̻̠̲̙Y͙̲̫͚̙̬̮̮̙͎͖̹̝

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haters gona hate you tell em chuck


hey j.j. you can kiss my ass faggot.you think im hating cuz i noticed selective pics being posted ?! hahahaha .nah son,i could give a shit.like i said,wasnt mine...oh yea but im so mad and hurt and angry .IM HATING! YOUR A FUCKIN CLOWN.insert a you mad pic or another hater comment,cause NOWi am hating on you for being a bitch...hate hate hate.oh and by the way you posted more than one of mine panels in this p.o.s. thread.

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you didnt fucking pm shit sword swallower! Seriously tell someone who cares about your bitchy problems Your trolling on 12 oz cuz you got nothing better to do. your wack as shit kid, and this isnt your platform for mouthing off like a typical toy, your all the same each and everyone of you useless toys. So last time pussyface ( which i called you in a pm hence your unorigonality like a toy) keep it in the pm's

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um no,you dont tell me what to do.your tje one running your mouth and making wild accusations,like a toy.all because i commented on selective posting{which im fine with}

and you gotta be a fag about it accusing me of being mad!? how un original,fuckin clown.

AND IF IM SO TOY, WHY ARE YOU POSTING FLICKS OF MY PANELS !? AHAHAHand your completely right ,i have nothing else to do,because i do as i please.fuck off you uptight bitch..you the one cryin about my comment.i wasnt even hating.i aint got shit to do,so go ahead and say some more dumb shit and il junk up this thread to my liking....and im still NOT mad.nor crying.and what exactly is my problem you say i have ?

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