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Funny/bad luck stories while bombing


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Just last night, me and 2 friends were at the train yard checkin out some of the trains, lots of good pieces, and we spotted 2 unfinished pieces. Well me and dylan are getting a tag on a train and logan starts walking off a bit. Logan comes walking back down and says "dude, there is some guy over there that said 'hey man, man' let's get out of here" Well now i'm thinking it's some strange hobo and we have to walk out past him to get out of the yard. So we walk around to the other side of the train and start walking down his way. Then 2 guys jump through 2 cars and start walking up to us. One gets up to me and says


Him "you going over our shit?" All 3 of us at the same time say


Me/us "no way man"


His friend "Oh we thought you were someone else"


Him "Yea, thought you were beefin, you were about to get some brass to the face"


Me "Shit no man, we're just down here grabbin a few tags, what you write, blah blah, is that your piece, blah blah"


Turns out these 2 kids are really good, one of them is actually on a roof top right along side the freeway, and they're looking for this kid they used to be friends with but he's beefin with them, man am I glad I didn't get confused with someone else and get knocked the fuck out, gotta watch out I guess.

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  • 3 weeks later...

this one time i parked in this abandon ass building broken down old building, that me and my boy thought no normal person is in there especially 4 in the morning so we get out and as were walking to this spot i hit a hollow on this store front and i hear this voice yell hey what the fuck so i glance and see this massive mullet ass mother fucker standing right next to our ride so i run around the corner take off my shit ut how normal can you look 4 am?? so pick up a bottle just in case and i walk up and dudes pulls out this shotgun and points it at me and yells get in the car and go, i was gone before he said go killed out night

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i got a few, i was painting in the yard and walked out and there was a full on hobo fire in the jungle, dudes were havin a party. it was a funny site( more of a you gottah be there thing )


Same yard, nother day, day paintin i walked up on a bunch of kids in the yard and they were friends of a dude i paint with turns out, met them before and all, so i let them be and went on to grab a car and started painting, i was just about to finish and i see all four of them sprinting toward me, so i asked what was up then i heard a cop yell from the same direction they were running to so i grabbed my shit and ran the complete opposite way and got away, on the way out, there were two more writers walking in with their girlfriends, so i told them to get the fuck out. i went back that night and finished my piece and the cans i left were even still there.


heres a bad luck story, painting a line, a new line pulled in with reefers, jumped over to paint that and got seperated from the writer that was my ride. they were seperating cars this whoel time so we were playing hide and seek, me and my other friend i was painting with ended up going back and finishing up our first train and then went to the car and it was gone. it was late by now. we ended up walking the fucking tracks to the commuter line and rode the train at 4 AM back into the city. That was a long fucking night. we got left.... bummed.

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about two years ago was walking with a few mates to do a production on this wall and crossed through maccas and as we're leaving about 20 guys run up behind us and punch me into a spikey ass bush, we finally got out of there and got to the wall. the ground was covered in some kinda animal crap and got my shoes dirty as fuck. after painting we started walking to this new spot and i step in a puddle with shit covered shoes, scratched up face and a fat lip ... pretty bad night

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While out bombing/tagging shit and getting caught by the fuzz. That's all well and good until you're beaten up until they realize you're female, and then proceed to sexually assault you.

I've gone to therapy, so I can talk about it, but lets just say that I don't trust any cops and never will.

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just last night me and my dude were out at this spot and were climbing to the roof, well the spot we decided to climb up at was this barbwire fence that the top support bar was missing. my dude gets up there easily and I jump to pull myself up and I end up falling back into the rusty ass barbwire, I have like 6 long ass cuts on my body from that shit, I ended up finding another spot to climb up at.


I was laughing the whole time all this happened and I realised that barbwire probably saved me because it was a 10-15ft drop.

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jews were chasing me and damn they can run, just as good as they can get a deal. i swear i felt like hamas turning down the wrong street in gaza. i cant get the jewlocks out of my head, i close my eyes and i see them. it was worse then when i got chased by the aussies. now that was horrible.

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  • 2 months later...

Not exactly funny, but I just got home from a little daytime bombing, just riding about on the bike.


Hit this one building and a woman stopped me on the road and said 'Why did you do that?'


I didn't have an answer.. she stumped me. Made me think.. why did I do that? I still haven't thought of a reason why.. apart from simply because it's graff and I want to. Probably a better reason than anything else? Dunno. Made me think though.

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