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you got the last word in some shit that didnt have shit to do with you i love the internet


You are the internet. keep cyber- thugging at the end of the day my gee you're going to be in a fema camp so i can honestly not care less about what your reaction might say.If you're utterly confused as to why i mentioned my name and aft's , VIEW ORIGINAL POST prick. son thats why i try not to visit this site anymore. you guys act like its cool to talk all that shit behind your computer monitors while you grub on hostess cakes your minimum wage has gotten you. point blank, i suggested that you change the subject because you preaching to a choir that is predominantly mentally retarded. you even then went on to post flick after flick of what me and aft have contributed, [hense we odeed.] next subject means to contribute primary pictures or AT LEAST pics the majority of us have not seen in a while. a good quarter of these people remain on my ignore list. its type humorous to me that out of all the threads i visit, brick slayers, cross fire or the heavens, that the thread that belongs to the city i lay my head in is the only one where i purposely go out of my way to block posts by users i cant stand to coexist with on an internet forum.

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You are the internet. keep cyber- thugging at the end of the day my gee you're going to be in a fema camp so i can honestly not care less about what your reaction might say.If you're utterly confused as to why i mentioned my name and aft's , VIEW ORIGINAL POST prick. son thats why i try not to visit this site anymore. you guys act like its cool to talk all that shit behind your computer monitors while you grub on hostess cakes your minimum wage has gotten you. point blank, i suggested that you change the subject because you preaching to a choir that is predominantly mentally retarded. you even then went on to post flick after flick of what me and aft have contributed, [hense we odeed.] next subject means to contribute primary pictures or AT LEAST pics the majority of us have not seen in a while. a good quarter of these people remain on my ignore list. its type humorous to me that out of all the threads i visit, brick slayers, cross fire or the heavens, that the thread that belongs to the city i lay my head in is the only one where i purposely go out of my way to block posts by users i cant stand to coexist with on an internet forum.




i was at work, my second... or third job, getting payed way more than minimum wage. and i dont eat processed bullshit unless im severely blunted, which is rare nowadays. i was sick of seeing all this big font shit talkin, so i quoted a bunch of flicks i thought were worthy of seeing a second time. and im sure you would agree. im sorry if it upset you, but i have emptied as many cans as the next, and have takin as many flicks as the next and would post many more if they were not invaluable to me monetarally, and personally. not to mention i was at work. no big deal, do your damn thang, its just the internet.

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95 percent of good graffiti in new york is done by people that have been writing like over 15 years and 5 percent newer that actually take their time and know what's up and build their style and respect old heads and try and come with their own style and bomb smart. most clowns nowadays are ignorant and uneducated, you think being in new york with the long ass dope history it has, you would kinda know the deal but people don't know shit. You're a disgrace..

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