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How can you call out his "bars" being unproportional and then post examples of "real" pieces where 80% of those you posted have unproportioned bars themselves. The only ones w/ proportiond bars are the SPHERE, DAMP, SHAME, SP, etc... When someone like CES came along he pushed it to the next level by making shit a lot more dynamic.. (You can't do that w/ stiff bars playing by the rules) This is GRAFFITI, there shouldn't be rules but there should ALWAYS be letter structure. Don't get me wrong, that AROE barely has any good letter structure... But there are people like RIME, BERST, etc. bunch of these NZ guys that are doing it right... Hasn't been anyone in NYC to push graffiti to that next level on the piecing tip since CES and those guys... Don't know if you really consider RIME from NYC...

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that shit is hurt... no concept of letter structure or proper extensions whatsoever... come on man look at that E... the bars are opposite of proportionate and it looks like its a underlined O....


the K is simply wack and the S and the A's bars aren't proportionate either. that dude never looked at a real piece in his life..


maybe I'm just traditional but multicolored angry looking boogers isn't what we call graffiti over here on the east coast


MY NIGGA..you straight hating right now straight up and down that kase2 is dope...whoever it was done by is apparently more talented than you .......since your complaining so much how about you do suttin like that and let niggas criticize ....but unfortunately you wont cuz you aint about that life style

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hell of alot better than what this city has to offer at the moment. name 5 active writers in and from new york that are up to par bombing or style wise with btm/al/msk/nsf etc.. the majority of people wont even answer, know why? got'em.


BTM AL bomb a lot in NYC.. especially LEWY and ADEK.. (but they all bomb for CARS not really for transit) and I'll give it to those kids they beef with as well.. ATARI GUFE PEMEX etc..


but here's a list of NYC writers that get up/got up just as much and been doing it here for decades..


JA, 17, LES, VEEFER, REMO, EASY... there's 6 for you.. one bonus..


Nothing lasts forever in the streets, just because they all happen to be up right now doesn't mean anything.. there was a time when COPE had NYC smashed, did cleans, etc.. all when NYC was still hood... but you barely see any of the illegal stuff now he's become a joke..


Another advantage that these outta town kids have is that they have no address here so they don't have to worry about getting raided, etc...

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17,REMO,NEMZ,JA,OJAE, EASY,SEN4,DESA,KECH les and minus? LMFAO. are you illiterate? i said up to par bombing or style wise. noone you named come close except for 17, bombing wise. and noone you named come close to any of the style these outta towners bring.. simple, if they were up to par with them, theyd be putting in as much work as them and be as up as them, right? where are any of their stomper solid fillins? hmm? where their straights, pieces and burners in hot ass street spots? and sad thing is you live here. your lookin real stupid right about now..

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