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You seriously gonna go to a place like NYC and bitch about SPOT JOCKING??? :lol:


Wow... you're an idiot.


Word son. Smart crew put something up there. Adek should be glad niggas didnt straight rag his shit, which is what he deserved in the first place. Go back to cali and take that bad jade kid with you.

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I'll get my Jet Blue ticket to the Dominican Republic changed to L.A. my dude I got you lol..

I'm saying they're here on our home land that we're familiar with. So that's an easy fix for the home team. Bong [/color][/font][/b]


I would never evvvvvvvvvvvver trade a trip to D.R. for one to LA...and ive only been to small bumblefuck village lands in D.R

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u could argue about where graff started all day the fact of the matter is there were people writing their names on the walls thru the 50s and 60s and even the 40s that wasnt documented so unless u were living in both cities simultaneously you wouldn't be able to say



modern day graffiti however, the idea of throw ups, pieces, handstyles, straight letters all being seperate entities most certainly developed in NYC in the 70s and 80s. someone may have caught the first tag in philly (like i said thats very debateable aswell) but the birth and development of graffiti AS WE ALL KNOW IT AND LOVE was definitely on new york city subway trains

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