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Guest etchburns




In August of last year, two of the most notorious subway graffiti artists were arrested as they arrived in the United States after a tagging tour of Europe. Earlier this month, ***** “Dani” ***** was charged in her case for vandalizing subway cars in Manhattan. She was tried separately and was sentenced to six months in prison for tagging subway cars in Queens.


The trial of her boyfriend, *** **** ****** or “Ether” is currently pending.


During their trip the couple is said to have tagged trains and other properties in ten countries in Europe.


According to police, the graffiti damages totaled between $100,000 and $200,000 in New York City alone.


Dani and Ether were among a dying breed of talented artists creating subway car graffiti art similar to that which was commonplace in the 1980s. While the MTA is cutting back on graffiti removal spending, it may be a while before we see the revival of the subway art movement documented in Martha Cooper’s book.

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Guest etchburns




A family of stray cats are staking a claim to the garage and attached lot on the corner of Avenue Z and East 16th Street. A group with similar patterns have been seen stalking the grounds, poking through garbage for scraps, and sitting in the sun.


We caught these photos on Tuesday. They’re of two separate cats. They’re pretty handsome, but that doesn’t mean they’re exactly welcome in the neighborhood.






As for the lot – a former garage – it’s been closed for years. It’s a pretty large stretch of space, but we’ve heard whispers that the landlord wants an absurd amount of cash. On top of that, underground fuel tanks have leaked, we’re told, requiring the next owner to clean up before building.


It’s a shame. A bookstore or other business would find that spot purrrfect.


Yeah… I said it.

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Guest etchburns


Reports began pouring in about a week ago that the Avenue U and Gravesend Neck Road train stations were already covered in graffiti. It wasn’t very long ago that the platforms finally began to take shape after a year of work, and as soon as they had walls they got some “art.”


Seriously, Sheepshead Bay needs better street artists. These guys suck.


On a related note about things that suck – our budget. We couldn’t afford the $2.25 to go up on the platform and snap a shot, so all we’ve got is this cruddy cell phone photo from a reader. So please, send us more photos of the construction and the vandalism, and we’ll post them. Free hug for every published photo!








Following yesterday’s report about graffiti vandals tagging the subway platforms at Gravesend Neck Road and Avenue U, one reader sent us a much better shot of the crap at Neck Road. Thank you, reader, you can collect your free hug when we finally have our first Sheepshead Bites meetup.

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Guest etchburns



New anti-semitic graffiti has been spotted by a Sheepshead Bites reader, this time on Neck Road train station’s Manhattan-bound platform. The marking, which read “Jewz suck ballz”, is on the floor near the first lamppost at the north end of the platform.


Although it’s difficult to take seriously this semi-illiterate hooliganism, it’s a sad discovery in the wake of the 25th Annual Holocaust Gathering this past weekend, and it follows the pro-Nazi runes reported last month.


As there are no Nazi references in the latest scrawling – and the Nazi’s probably would’ve insisted on better grammar – it’s unlikely that this incident is related to May’s graffiti, in which elaborate pro-Nazi (not anti-semitic, as one official noted) runes were found on walls along Shore Parkway, Emmons Avenue and around the Holocaust Memorial Park.

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Guest etchburns





Sure, it’s no Phu King Restaurant, but the new Ka Ka Bakery at 1505 Avenue U gets high marks for unintentional humor. We’re not sure exactly why the establishment, formerly Kingsley Bakery, decided to denigrate itself, but it provided a few good laughs on a recent stroll. That being said, they serve a decent pork bun and were friendly enough on a recent visit.


So… how many puns can we make from this photo?

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